《古墓丽影》 2会导致狩猎电影的新时代吗?

Tomb Raider

2018年的第一部《古墓丽影》电影实际上是该系列的第三部,艾丽西亚·维坎德(Alicia Vikander)扮演拉拉·克罗夫特(Lara Croft)重新启动冒险系列。期待已久的续集,目前仅被称为古墓丽影2,提供引导我们进入有关狩猎宝藏的新时代的火花?


这一最新一期Lara Croft的故事originally expected for March 2021, but it has been held back by a series of delays and changes. Among them, we can see that Ben Wheatley has now been replaced by Misha Green in the role of director, and she is also writing the script. A month after the original release date had passed, the first draft was written with a suggested title of Tomb Raider: Obsidian but there has been a lack of solid updates since then.

It seems likely that Vikander will return in the拉拉的角色她说她喜欢第一次玩古墓丽影电影,尽管尚未确认克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯(Kristin Scott Thomas)是否会返回扮演安娜·米勒(Ana Miller)。劳拉(Lara)的父亲和主要反派马蒂亚斯(Mathias)都在第一部电影中去世,因此需要一种创造性的方法将它们带回这个新版本。2018年电影收到了不同的评论,尤其是维坎德亚搏电子电竞官网(Vikander)的表现,特别是在批评家和公众之间分配意见。

The details revealed by Green to date suggest that it hadn’t been greenlit by mid-2021, and nothing since then has been released to confirm if filming is about to start. Yet, we already know that the end of the first story revolved around Lara returning to the UK only to discover that the evil corporation Trinity has strong ties to her family’s company. This makes it seem that Ana Miller is the mastermind and the new film could explore this topic further. Alternatively, the creators might decide to base Tomb Raider 2 on one of the many古墓丽影电子游戏她的特色亚搏电子电竞官方网站。


我们可以回到1940年代,看第一部关于大胆寻宝商冒险的经典电影,例如塞拉马德雷的宝藏。The 1980s saw a resurgence in this genre, with Indiana Jones leading cinema-goers on a series of outrageous adventures across the planet while hunting for hidden treasures and long-lost artifacts. The trend continued in the 90s, with the likes of Romancing the Stone from 1994 and 1999’s The Mummy adding new twists while continuing with the fascinating general theme of searching for valuable booty.

毫不奇怪的是,20年的最后几十年Th世纪以来,这种类型的电影有所增加,因为它们的受欢迎程度似乎与该类型在该类型中的存在有关电子游戏市场并在普遍的流行文化中。《古墓丽影》首次出现在1996年,是由核心设计创建的,并由Eidos软件发布。在此之前,像1984年的Saber Wulf这样的游戏和1983年的Sinbad之谜已经向游戏玩家介绍了寻宝的想法,但是越来越复杂的技术使开发人员能够引入更复杂和沉浸式的世界。

这个想法寻找隐藏的财富也出现在许多赌场老虎机游戏中。按照在线赌场Betway沿着这些台词有各种各样的标题埃及宝藏任务包括一系列特殊功能。亚搏电子电竞官方网站同一网站上此主题的其他插槽包括埃及坟墓和Doubleoon Island的冒险,这增加了海盗主题。古老的命运波塞冬巨人向玩家介绍了潜入海洋的概念以找到希腊神在六个卷轴上淹没的贵重物品中。

该主题也已到达我们的电视屏幕,菲利普·库斯托(Philippe Cousteau Jr)介绍了加勒比海海盗宝藏纪录片和寻宝者猎人马丁·拜耳(Martin Bayerle),向我们介绍了十亿美元的残骸。A different approach was taken by the UK’s Treasure Hunt, which ran from 1982 to 1989 and was briefly revived in 2022. This series involved a team trying to crack a set of puzzles while a host in a helicopter followed their indications to try and locate the treasure. With a large number of hidden treasures said to still在美国存在和加拿大,毫无疑问,这个主题使北美人着迷,并且在电视节目中看到了橡树岛和迷信山的传奇等电视节目。


说这部电影类型已经消失了是错误的,因为2022年失落的城市以桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock)和钱宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum)为特色,使用了许多经典元素。然而,似乎可以肯定的是,对永恒的拉拉·克罗夫特(Lara Croft)角色的兴趣复兴会增加热衷于看更多有关冒险英雄或女主人公追踪宝藏的电影的人数。



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