Anek(2022):Jeetega Kaun?印度斯坦!

“Mission is about people, not projects”. Signifying this quote; writer, producer, and directorAnubhav Sinha与共同制作人一起Bhushan Kumarreleased a geopolitical action-thriller by the name “安妮克” on May 27, 2022. Anek stands for “Many”, which signifies the people of India. The full name of this movie is “Anek: Jeetega Kaun? Hindustan”. The meaning of its subtitle is, “Who Will Win? India”.安妮克starsAyushmann Khurrana作为卧底警察阿曼(Aman),也就是约书亚(Joshua),他是由印度政府派往该国东北部的危险和平任务的。这部电影以大约2个小时30分钟的屏幕播放时间在整个印度的剧院播放。

Starring Ayushmann Khurrana as undercover cop Aman a.k.a Joshua

Anek(2022):Jeetega Kaun?Hindustan Synopsis:

As tensions and conflicts erupt in the northeastern region of India, a fierce undercover cop named Aman (Ayushmann Khurrana)由印度政府派出一项任务,以与东北部的暴政领袖Tiger Sangha(Loitongbam Dorendra)谈判和平条约。

当阿曼(Aman)被昵称“约书亚(Joshua)”伪装到东北时,他熟悉该地区普遍存在的紧张局势和文化冲突。东北地区的自称暴君和军事领袖老虎桑哈(Tiger Sangha)非常反对印度政府。此外,东北的平民不愿将自己视为印第安人,并与政府剧烈叛乱。该地区的一个分离主义运动在整个地区,涉及几名儿童和青年。约翰逊分离主义团体反对老虎·桑哈(Tiger Sangha)的压迫性统治。

Aman’s mission was to ensure peace and subdue the separatist rebellion. The only way to ensure peace with Tiger Sangha was to eradicate the Johnson separatist group. Will Aman be successful in his mission or fall for the wrath of Tiger Sangha? Watch the full movie to know the endeavors of a daredevil Indian cop on a mission to ensure One India, One Nation!

引入Loitongbam Dorendra作为Tiger Sangha

Anek(2022):Jeetega Kaun?印度斯坦官方拖车:

The Good:

An Awareness Story About Political Conflict And Cultural Identity

安妮克在印度东北地区普遍存在的政治和文化骚乱中关注的焦点。Ayushmann Khurrana扮演一名名叫阿曼(Aman)的警察的性格,该警察以“约书亚”(Joshua)的绰号“约书亚”(Joshua)到达印度东北部,以与该地区的威权军事领导人Tiger Sangha签署和平协定。

安妮克, the central government of India has been shown not to consider the people of the northeast as Indians. In fact, the people of the northeastern regions of India are of a different appearance as compared to regular Indians. Hence, the Indian government might be considering them as Chinese or Burmese rather than Indians. Not just the Indian government, but the northeastern Indians too do not consider themselves to be a part of India. Rather, they are rebelling against the government in an endeavor to get separated from India.

Scenes in安妮克depict huge civilian and the separatist conflict in the northeast along with excessive police brutality where northeastern people are being ruthlessly murdered while some separatists are being stripped and tortured in prison camps.

This story about the political and cultural conflicts prevalent in northeast India is true but after watching the movie, I can feel that the situations have been spiced-up and amplified to a great extent.

Ayushmann Khurrana的转型

如果您不知道谁Ayushmann Khurranais, let me tell you that he is worshiped as the “God of Sex” inBollywood!Ayushmann玩同性恋的角色,transsexuals, a sperm donor, a man who has an affair with a trans woman and later regrets it, a man who disguises his voice over the phone to replicate that of a woman for calling other men, and even a man with erectile dysfunction who suffers marital problems. These are the kinds of roles he has played in whatever movies he has done to date.

This is probably the first time in the history of Indian cinema that Ayushmann has been forced to get rid of his homosexual image, and has been represented as a fierce and violent undercover police officer or in short, a real daring macho man who can go up to any extent for the sake of his country!

安德里亚·凯维库萨(Andrea Kevichusa

I must agree; what a transformation!Ayushmann Khurranahas done away with his lanky looks and has gained several pounds of muscle mass for his role as undercover police officer Aman a.k.a Joshua in安妮克。他的发型和胡须茂密,以扩大这部电影中的强化体格。

在tense Gun Fights

If you are an action lover and enjoy some intense gun action scenes, you are bound to find安妮克令人兴奋的观看。这部电影的剧本装有从上到下的枪支动作序列。每五到十分钟后,您将看到涉及警察,愚蠢和平民的激烈战斗。但是,这部电影包含更少的手头战斗和更多的枪战。

Gripping Dialogues

Most of the dialogues in安妮克are patriotic and signify India as one nation. The dialogues in this movie are strong, and clearly indicate Aman’s mission to unite the northeastern region with the rest of India. I must creditAnubhav Sinha为了制定如此惊人和有影响力的对话,这些对话肯定会在任何印度公民的心中灌输爱国主义感。

Exquisite Cinematography

The cinematography by Ewan Mulligan in安妮克is captivating. I had a visually spectacular experience upon watching this movie at the theater. The camerawork comprised wide-angle shots of the magnificent northeastern landscapes and involved drone footage as well. This spectacular camerawork was further amplified by thunderous visual effects which comprised ear-rumbling machine gun firings, and bomb blasts.

The Bad:

Confusing Screenplay

The screenplay of安妮克co-written byAnubhav Sinhaalong with Sima Agarwal and Yash Keswani is extremely confusing and will fail to engage you. I can assure you that out of an entire theater filled with audiences; only around five percent of the people will be able to grasp the concept of this movie and understand the proceedings of its screenplay in detail. In short,安妮克不是一个适合所有人的电影,而是适合那些从开始到高潮的耐心和能力分析和理解电影情节和剧本的能力的人。只是为了娱乐而观看这部电影的人肯定会有艰难的时光,最终可能会感到困惑或无聊。如此令人困惑的剧本不仅是剧本差的结果,而且是Yasha Ramchandani进行的糟糕场景编辑的结果,这使这部电影在上半年完全难以理解。

Ayushmann Khurrana and J.D. Chakravarthy in a scene from Anek


The screenplay of安妮克doesn’t make it clear to the audiences the reason for the occurrence of such tensions and conflicts in the northeast. It is not clear as to with whom the northeastern Indians are fighting. Are they fighting among themselves? Are they protesting against Tiger Sangha? Or are they rebelling against the central government of India? As these matters are not made clear within the screenplay, this movie may leave you utterly confused if you are not made familiar with its storyline prior to watching it.


Unsatisfactory Performances

可以做什么Ayushmann Khurrana可能已经完成了充满枪支暴力和监狱营地的武装分子和无辜平民的剧本?可以看到Ayushmann沉迷于激烈的枪战,驾驶汽车很长时间,并不时发出令人发指的嗅觉,以扩大他的“男子气概”角色。但是在某些情况下,我觉得他非常渴望摆脱他所穿的男子气概的皮肤,并变成他可笑的同性恋化身。凶猛的秘密警察的这种男子气概的角色似乎对他来说有点太多了。无论如何,开玩笑!

Andrea Kevichusa did not appear impressive in the character of female boxer Aido in安妮克。艾多(Aido)已被其地区的当地人和她的家人所压迫。由于她作为印度东北部的文化身份,她不允许她参加全国拳击锦标赛。她还与阿曼(Aman)浪漫地参与。

Even if Andrea Kevichusa has been depicted as a top-level national boxing champion in the movie but her looks are just the opposite to that of a female boxer. She is ultra-slim and has a fragile frame, and her appearance in the movie had the least resemblance with that of a female boxer. The bet she was rejected participation in the boxing tournament not because of her cultural identity but simply because after seeing her fragile frame people might have thought that she was not capable enough as a female boxer. In fact, I think it would have been better if the filmmakers would have thought of casting Andrea Kevichusa as a size-zero model in the movie rather than a boxer.

Loitongbam Dorendrawho played the lead villain Tiger Sangha in安妮克looked disappointing and did not suit his role of an authoritative tyrant.

J.D. Chakravarthy,Manoj Pahwa, 和Kumud Mishra是顶级演员,但在电影中扮演着很短的角色。我相信,由于他们的短屏幕时间,他们无法履行各自的角色发挥自己的全部潜力。

Disturbing Scenes Depicting Prison Tortures

我很欣赏Anubhav Sinha’s通过使我们意识到印度东北部的努力安妮克。但是,我觉得电影中的某些场景描绘了警察对平民遭受可怕的监狱营地酷刑可能会打扰某些人。


Anubhav Sinha通过安妮克。As a director, one needs to make sure that he is directing a screenplay which can be understood by a major section of the audiences who are watching a film for entertainment only. However, Sinha’s direction in安妮克takes the opposite path. In fact, very few people, whom I term as a “thin section of ultra-class audience”, will be able to clearly understand the storyline and screenplay of this movie as to what is actually going on throughout the entire runtime.

我在这里指的是“超级观众的稀薄部分”,是那些在政治上非常倾向并会欣赏这个地缘政治故事和剧本的人。这样的人将对这部电影表示赞赏,他们会认为这是Bollywoodto bring a sensitive political and social issue for the first time on the big screens.

Even ifAnek的剧本令人困惑,我很欣赏它并没有转移到大多数浪漫戏剧中Bollywoodmovies focus on. The romance between Aman and Aido has been kept short while the plot proceeds with its political tensions and war concept.

Ayushmann Khurrana与导演Anubhav Sinha在Anek的集合中

An unappreciable part in the script of安妮克is that it doesn’t disclose the exact state in the northeast where such conflicts are prevailing. There are several states in northeast India which include Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura etc. The film takes its narrative to a fictitious location in the northeast which is simply designated by the initials “NE”, which itself signifies the North East. I am also eager to know howAnubahv Sinhacame up with the character of Tiger Sangha. This authoritative tyrannical military leader of the northeast looks familiar to me, and if you look closely, he will appear familiar to you as well! In fact more than northeast India, this movie appeared to have been shot in Kim-Jong-un’s North Korea, and the tyrannical character of Tiger Sangha appeared as none other than Kim Jong-un himself to me. I believe Sinha did get his inspiration from the North Korean dictator while writing the script for this film. I am saying so because at present, there is no such tyrant or authoritarian who is ruling northeast India. The character of Tiger Sangha is completely fictitious.

I could not make out any logic from the climax of安妮克。阿曼(Aman)被证明试图逮捕活着的分离主义人群,并没有遵循政府的命令将他们射击。取而代之的是,随着老虎桑哈(Tiger Sangha)的帮派在他和其他警察试图逮捕分离主义者时进行干预。他们开枪打死了老虎桑哈的男人!那么,他们现在如何期待与老虎桑哈(Tiger Sangha)达成和平条约?安妮克fails to explain the entire logic of Aman’s peace mission with its climax. The movie ends by showing Aido competing in a national boxing match, and winning the gold medal.

除了观看灌输一些激动的政治和文化紧张局势和冲突外,观众可能会更加兴奋地观看Ayushmann Khurannafor the first time as a “real man” in this movie, not the comical homosexual or the erectile dysfunction patient which he has been portrayed in the movies he has acted in till now. If you are also eager to watch this new “manly avatar” ofAyushmann Khuranna, then you can very well consider watching安妮克even if you would never be able to understand its story or screenplay at the first watch.

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  • Acting -5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects -9.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -4.5/10
  • Setting/Theme -8/10
  • 可观察性 -6.5/10
  • Rewatchability -2.5/10

About Subhadeep Kumar Ganguli

Meta film critic. Posting on behalf of Nirmal Word Services, content service agency in India.