

漫威宇宙通过其令人着迷的文学和电影吸引了人们的心脏和想象力。多年来,漫威角色引起了真正的文化现象,而狂热者继续增长,吸引越来越多的人进入其等级。也许您自己是Marvel的粉丝,或者也许您并不是真正喜欢漫画或电影,但可以肯定的是 - 您至少不了解至少最多的一件事心爱的漫威超级英雄除非您一生都在岩石下生活。

然而,当寻找真正的漫威奉献者的礼物时,事情可能会变得有些棘手,不是因为缺乏选择,而是因为顽固的粉丝以他们有时奇特和非常具体的偏好而闻名 -主题项目。因此,如果您不想遇到这个问题,或者您的大脑试图弄清楚应该选择哪种礼物,那么本指南可以将您指向正确的方向。


漫威电影宇宙始于2007年,从那时起,它已经打了不少于28部令人着迷的电影。可以公平地假设粉丝们至少见过一次,他们肯定渴望再次见到他们。但是,他们是否拥有Bluray上的整部电影集?鉴于Marvel Studios最近很忙,每年发行了三部电影,因此即使是真正的爱好者也很难跟上自己的步伐。

Well, you can help your friend complete their collection so they can binge-watch their favourite movies whenever they feel like it. This gift does fall on the pricier side, but can you really put a price tag on the joy it will bring to a Marvelite to own every Marvel movie ever made?


尽管漫威电影宇宙在过去几年中迅速扩展,但与漫画领域相比,这并不是一无所有。如果您要收集漫威系列中的所有个人问题,则可以填写整个图书馆 - 总计29,418个漫画更精确 - 在一个屋顶下,因此您显然无法做到。

但是你能做的就是给你的朋友订阅漫威无限这是一项服务,从一开始到今天,可让用户轻松快速访问29,000个数字漫威漫画。用户可以在其桌面或Marvel Unlimited应用程序上阅读漫画,并且由于Marvel继续发布新系列,这也是他们跟上最新标题的好方法。



但这只是真正的有很多奇迹尽管ms out on the market at the moment that you can easily fall down the rabbit hole searching for the right one. If you’re having a hard time deciding what Marvel merch to choose as a gift, someFunko Marvel Collectibles以流行音乐的形式!乙烯基人物一定会从脚上扫除他们,并为他们当前的收藏提供了很好的补充。

Marvel Lego套装

We’ve never met a kid who doesn’t love playing with Legos but we also know of a few adults that are just as passionate about building things with these tiny pieces of plastic. Fortunately, Marvel and Lego have had the bright idea to partner up and create an official Lego-Marvel collection, so now you can offer your friend the best of both worlds by gifting them a Marvel Lego set.



Marvel devotees not only love to collect Marvel-themed items, but they also like to wear them, especially at conventions or special fan gatherings. Luckily for them and for you, Marvel clothing items such as T-shirts, hoodies, or caps are a dime a dozen these days, so all you have to do is know their size and choose something they don’t already have hanging in their closet.

If they’re the kind that likes to go all-in and are not afraid to let the world know how much they love Marvel characters, you can gift them a full-on Marvel costume that can help them get into character. Do try to get the character right as you don’t want to dress them up in one of the Marvel villains they despise.



万一您的朋友喜欢深入研究漫威领域并学习特许经营的所有来龙去脉,我们为他们提供了什么:Marvel Studios的故事:漫威电影宇宙的创作,由Tara Bennet和Paul Terry撰写。这本书为相机后面发生的所有事情提供了令人着迷的见解,因此一定会让您的朋友忙一会儿。


关于艾略特·霍珀(Elliot Hopper)