

你知道吗?今年,我参加了在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆加利福尼亚州的《星球大战庆典》中度过了愉快的时光!很棒的是,我必须参加一场令人难以置信的节目,这次旅行标志着我的许多“第一”,我可以抓住我的遗愿清单。这次旅行是我第一次参加《星球大战庆典》,这与我以前的情况大不相同纽约动漫展。一种fter regretfully choosing to drive from LAX this trip also marked my first time in一种naheim California。此事件也正在检查我的第一次访问迪士尼乐园呢而且,大约5年后,这是我与我的第一次面对面聚会正确的意见合作者Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette。My excitement for being a Star Wars fan was at an ALL-TIME HIGH, except this was the first time I felt excluded at a convention.

The Star Wars Celebration dominated Anaheim between May 26, 2022 – May 29, 2022. On my first day at the Anaheim Convention Center, I noticed some gorgeous banners and signs for the Celebration throughout the area. I swear you could feel the excitement as you approached the venue. Cosplayers were noticeably dominating the Anaheim area and it was common to see cars of onlookers slow down just to take in a moment and watch. There were some gorgeous banners and signs on display creating a fantastic photo backdrop for cosplayers. I noticed that learned some of the best-looking cosplayers could be found at the water fountain near the entrance. I snapped up as many pictures as I could while rushing to take in as much of the show as I could. I had a lot of fun at the show covering fantastic panels and press events. The cosplayers were on another level at this show and the crowds and venue were much larger than I was expecting.

星球大战庆典展览会 - 安东尼·怀特照片


它是如何开始的 - 感受到兴奋

Day 1 was both very exciting and very nerve-wracking. E-man and picked up our press passes and rushed to the Press entrance for the Celebration Stage, exactly when instructed, but were told by staff that the press seating area was full. Thankfully we were able to get seats because Lucasfilm pulled out all the stops at the panel! The panel attendees got to see与Ewan McGregor和Hayden Christensen的命运对决的现场表演出现在舞台上。凯瑟琳·肯尼迪(Kathleen Kennedy)与奥比·旺·基诺比(Obi-Wan Kenobi)的许多其他演员一起在舞台上加入了舞台,讨论了新节目!

小组继续打动约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams)在舞台上行走!约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams)庆祝他的90岁生日,并通过演奏他最具标志性的歌曲时通过演出了现场乐团,使观众感到惊讶。这个小组继续留下深刻的印象,因为突然John began performing the theme song for the Indiana Jones with Harrison Ford walking on stage呢This is a memory that will live rent-free in the minds of fans for years and was amazing to see live.

更著名的外表是佩德罗·帕斯卡(Pedro Pascal),迭戈·卢纳(Diego Luna),Warwick Davis, and many other stars kicked off the celebration to a fantastic start. The panel delivered some first looks at The Mandalorian Season 3, a trailer released for星球大战安多, the announcement ofStar Wars Skeleton Crew,还有很多!该小组以宣布对奥比·旺·基诺比(Obi-Wan Kenobi)的前两集的放映结束,其中大多数演员与歌迷一起参加。这是首映式和参加参加人数的首映式和放映的一倍。

How it Went – Things Got Weird

星球大战庆典展览I carved out time in my schedule to visit the actual exhibition floor which is where things got weird. I was hoping to find some merch featuring绝地大师梅斯·温杜, the best fighter among the Jedi, but我在以Mace Windu,Lando Calrissian或Finn为特色的商品中找不到很多东西。我检查了整个展厅和所有商人,只想找到与这些角色一起出售的少数物品。我知道这些不是《星球大战》系列或电影中的任何一个领导角色,但我认为在这个节目中会更容易。我看到一个一堆凉爽的衬衫和待售物品由克隆人,千年猎鹰,死亡之星,K-2SO,库伊尔,海军上将阿克巴尔,埃沃克斯等特征。我以某种方式没有意识到在另一个楼层上有一家官方的卢卡斯影业商店,所以我没有检查那家商店。最后,我确实找到了some与黑色星球大战角色的商品,但不是很多。

它如何结束 - 黑暗的一面

那天晚上,我对寻找纪念品的经历感到矛盾。我一直想知道《星球大战》中是否代表了黑人角色和有色人种?我决定通过将文件从存储卡移动到云之间的研究极慢WiFi in the Hilton hotel. E-Man and I began discussing the experience and black representation in the Star Wars franchise. While doing my research I felt that the black characters in Star Wars were mostly supporting characters rather than leads. I could find merchandise with other supporting characters but it bothered me that there was only a small selection of items featuring black characters.

攻击克隆We began discussing whether there were any other Black Jedi besides Mace Windu. I confidently blurted out “There had to be, we saw a bunch of scenes with a large number of Jedi in the prequel films”. I cited星球大战:克隆的攻击as a good example of a film featuring multiple Jedi on screen. There’s a scene toward the end of Attack of The Clones where Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidalla were captured and forced into gladiatorial combat. Mace Windu and an army of Jedi Knights来营救他们,我确定其中有些必须是黑人or women.

我进一步充满信心地说,角色甚至很可能被命名,正如我们在ILM新闻专家小组中所学到的那样,制作对命名背景角色的偏爱。在整个场景中逐帧进行搜索之后,我发现(2)其他黑人演员在后台战斗。它们在IMDB上列为R. Christopher White扮演“克隆战争绝地”,他还被列为ILM的序列主管和发展负责人。另一个演员是伦纳德·托马斯(Leonard L. Thomas)谁扮演”罗斯 - 戴尔·马苏纳- 竞技场绝地”。一种命名Jedi. But these aren’t lead characters with any lines or discernable impact on the movie. We agreed that Star Wars does not yet feature any other leading black Jedi or leading black characters.

这是一个发人深省的事实的兴奋next day of attending Star Wars Celebration began to sink in again. There was a ton of news to write about and we still had 3 more days of Celebration. We ended our day at this point and resolved to get some rest.

Next, we’ll talk about my Day 2 experience which had even more highlights and excitement than Day 1 but also featured some more disappointment about black fandom in Star Wars.



Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink