Xolo Maridueña shows off full Blue Beetle movie costume

Blue Beetle Costume

The Blue Beetle movie is in production for Warner Bros which is amazing news to type. The Blue Beetle should be a familiar name for fans of theJustice Leagueas the original Blue Beetle泰德•科德. The 20-year-old Cobra Kai actor will be portraying the 2nd iteration of the character Jaime Reyes. We’re now getting some酷设置照片featuring Xolo Maridueña in full costume:

The costume looks AMAZING and really is a spot-on comic adaptation onto the screen. I really like what we’re seeing with this costume and casting. I’ve always been curious about theBlue Beetlecharacter and if I remember correctly he’s a lot like DC’s analog forSpider-Man.

这服装是再保险ally awesome looking and I am now a lot more curious about this film. I wonder who will be the villain for the movie? What do you guys think of the look?

A Mexican teenager finds an alien beetle that gives him superpowered armor. A Mexican teenager finds an alien beetle that gives him superpowered armor. A Mexican teenager finds an alien beetle that gives him superpowered armor.

Anway, that’s all I have for this one.

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