
Despite being almost 37 years old,愚蠢的与观众在1985年发行时一样,球迷们仍然绝对珍惜。怀疑女士), Steven Spielberg (印第安纳·琼斯)和导演理查德·唐纳(Richard Donner)(超人) would naturally be a classic film beloved by everyone.

The film follows a group of kids self-proclaimed as ‘愚蠢的’谁发现了一张旧的宝藏地图,并继续寻找黄金,以免他们的房屋被取消。并非一切都像孩子们在冒险中遇到欺凌者和犯罪分子家庭一样。

Many mediums have been inspired by the film with notable examples including寻找‘ohanaand陌生人的东西to name just a few ultimately showing how much the original 1985 has inspired pop culture.

在纸上,愚蠢的听起来不像是邪教的经典愚蠢的so special.

Relatable for all ages

与1980年代的其他电影不同,例如Beetlejuice,Beverly Hills Copand早餐俱乐部,,,,愚蠢的实际上是一部可以由任何年龄段观看的电影。这部电影的美丽是,尽管有时会跨越对孩子们太恐怖的路线,但它永远不会太远,并且整个过程中都保持家庭友好。

愚蠢的one of the most wholesome movies与一群著名的朋友一起在那里,尽管有所不同。他们是一群朋友,看着过去的金钱,地位和外表,创造了一个友谊群体,每个人都被接受和承认自己的优势。

As the group is so big and diverse, everyone in the audience can easily relate to someone. Not only does the film showcase the strengths of each character, but also the weaknesses. Throughout the film, we see that the clumsiness and carelessness of Chunk (played by Jeff Cohen) is what gets him in danger with the Fratellis. But, it’s also this aspect of his character which leads him to befriend the wholesome but scary-looking Sloth (played by John Matuszak) and save the day.


Awesome soundtrack

一部电影可能是有史以来最有趣,最吸引人的电影,但没有令人难以置信的配乐,这将是什么。这是愚蠢的统治并提供了绝对令人惊讶的配乐。史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)要求辛迪·劳珀(Cyndi Lauper)担任专辑的音乐总监,并释放了完美的配乐。

整部电影中的关键歌曲是Lauper的“愚蠢的“ r”足够好’作为主题。这正是您在1980年代的电影中所期望的,讲述了孩子们正在冒险寻找宝藏的电影。这首歌很乐观且轻松愉快,您还想要什么?当然,这有助于理查德·唐纳(Richard Donner)实际上为这首歌的音乐视频指导音乐视频,其中包括愚蠢的

Whilst Lauper spearheaded the soundtrack, all the biggest names from the 1980s were featured in it such as REO Speedwagon, Richard Marx, Luther Vandross, The Bangles and Philip Bailey. All of the artists were diverse enough to deliver something unique and unexpected from the soundtrack, which is ultimately why the soundtrack made it into the US Billboard 200.


Who wouldn’t want to go on an adventure with your friends to find treasure from a map that you found in your attic? This is literally everyone’s childhood dream but is made a reality for the characters in愚蠢的

After finding out that all of the homes within the Goon Docks will be foreclosed to make room for a country club,愚蠢的收集最后一个周末,找到宝藏ap from the legendary One-Eyed Willy. Having nothing to lose, the group embark on an adventure of a lifetime evading booby traps and escaping a villainous group of criminals.



Every aspect of愚蠢的只需完美地合作以提供无法复制的东西。从迷人的角色到精湛的配乐,这部电影都可以做到这一点。



Whilst fans of愚蠢的可能会永远等待一部可能永远不会发生的电影续集,他们总是可以回去再次体验电影,甚至可以尝试许多视频游戏改编之一。很容易看出为什么观众继续对这部电影的痴迷,因为这是一个永远不会死的经典。


关于艾略特·霍珀(Elliot Hopper)