Buffy and Angel TV Movies?

Whedonites may have something more to look forward to. According to ComingSoon.net, James Marsters, who played Spike on the insanely popular Buffy:The Vampire Slayer was heard saying on “Rove Live” that four telefilms might be in the works. He says Joss Whedon, creator of both series, wants him back. “I… [Read More]

Some Discouraging I, Robot News

Of course something like this comes in right after I post about how I’m planning on going to see the film. Now, this is rumor of the ‘friend of a friend’ variety but it’s credible and more than a little discouraging. Here’s an email I got this morning reporting that… [Read More]

The Movie Blog on air today

Just a quick reminder to everyone. I’ll be on air from 2-3pm est talking movies and such on AM 900 CHML. If you’re not in the Hamilton Ontario area, you can listen live on the internet. Just go to www.900chml.com and click “Listen Live”. You can also call in to… [Read More]

King Arthur Reviews

From the first moment I saw the trailer for King Arthur, the word ‚ÄúLEMON‚Äù repeated itself in my head. I‚Äôve yet to see a HOLLYWOODIFICATION of a classic story turn out to be any good, and it looks like Arthur isn‚Äôt going to buck that trend. Don‚Äôt get me wrong,… [Read More]