

At 8pm on the 24th of May (the eve of the Great DVD Release day) [A really big company] (hey, I’m not gonna advertise for them) is screening “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King” at the large (ugly and horribly designed) so-called “Dundas Square” in downtown Toronto. There’s room enough for thousands, so if you’re in downtown Toronto and want to see the 3rd chapter of LOTR on a big screen one last time, now’s your chance and it won’t cost you anything. – And you can run across the road when it’s done and buy the DVD – which is the whole reason [the really big company] is screening this in the first place. — So how about NOT buying one and sticking it to The Man in the process?

是的,这是对的,不要购买DVD:等待盒装幼蚱。- 哦,你可以等 - 不要说你不知道如何下载它,直到你很苗条的黄鼠狼......
