
大家好。就像你们中的一些人可能知道的那样,现在我在洛杉矶参加了一些会议,准备明天去圣地亚哥参加圣地亚哥国际电影节,在那里我将首映我的新电影“和平王子 - 战神“。这是我仅仅一年来的第五次旅行。因此,我本周缺乏发帖(特别感谢Serena和Rodney帮助懈怠)。

Anyway, last night I was invited to the world premiere of the new Morgan Freeman / Greg Kinnear film “Feast of Love” which was held at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. What an amazing theater with so much stuff inside. Anyway, I’m standing around in the foyer a few minutes before they start the movie and Sharon says to me “Hey John… behind you”… so I turn around and I’m standing right beside Morgan Freeman. Later I had a bit of a geekgasm when I got to meet Fred Ward (Remo Williams himself bitches!), have drinks with a Vice President of MGM and chat for a moment with Toby Hemingway. Earlier in the week I bumped into Michael Bay, was bought lunch by a big Hollywood publicity company and had a meeting at the head offices of Lakeshore Entertainment. The other day I spoke with Kevin Smith and had The directors of Crank call into the live show with me. Later today I’m having coffee withJohnny Whitworth(迈阿密CSI和AJ在《帝国唱片》上),晚上晚些时候与更多的工作室一起喝酒。

那重点是什么呢?关键是我仍然对所有这些东西感到害怕。I mean holy shit… I’ve talked to people who have been movie journalists for like 6 months who don’t geek out anymore about getting to do all this stuff… me… I’ve been doing this for over 4 years now and I’m still as amazed and bedazzled by the world of movies as I’ve ever been. There I was, standing in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, and I felt like I snuck in or something… because I’m just some wide eyed movie geek feeling like he’s about to wet his pants because HOLY CRAP THERESROBERT BENTON!!!!

那么为什么我不能习惯这个呢?为什么我不像其他所有“掩盖”电影界且不会对所有这些“掩盖”的人“很酷”?我记得和另一个网络人站在漫画骗局上,在整个房间里,我看到了小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr)。我害怕一点,说:“神圣的废话,不要现在看,但是有唐尼(Downey Jr)!”另一个人(比我凉爽得多)转过头……说“哦,是的”,然后继续进行对话,就像没什么大不了的。我觉得自己是一个绝对的书呆子……但是我无能为力……我绝对是书呆子。

这不是因为我认为这些人都比其他任何人都好,当然也不比其他任何人更重要。我认为这与我(以及我们的)对电影的迷恋和热爱有关,这使我对那些能够在这个世界内生活和工作的人表示了不屈不挠的欣赏和嫉妒(在那里)。It’s not that Fred Ward is so important… it’s that he’s got to do so many cool things and be involved in so amy great movies that I just want to talk to him, hear about his experiences, what he’s seen, what he’s done and what he’s going to do. I think that’s why I get just as pumped about meeting studio people… because they’ve seen and been involved in so many cool things, that all I want to do is buy them a drink and pick their brains about their experiences for hours. I’m standing on a red carpet and had乔恩·沃伊特(Jon Voight)走到我的…我的第一反应不是问他about the event… my instinct was to go “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE JON VOIGHT! TELL ME WHAT IT WAS LIKE MAKING拯救!”



