Enchanted Sequel Underway

EnchantedIt looks like the delightful film Enchanted is going to be put into the sequel machine and start to pump out bastards shortly, We get the following news from our good friends atmoviehole:

A foxy little birdie cheeped in my ear this morning that Disney is developing a sequel to its staggeringly-successful “Enchanted” – and the production has inched forward significantly in the past month or two, as a direct result of those smashing DVD sales.

Kevin Lima, the chap behind the original, has apparently already spoken to Disney about the sequel. It’s not yet known whether the sequel will reunite Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey – though, if the price is right, it probably will – or fix on a new bunch of characters (who’ll leave toon-town for the bright lights, big city of modern-day America). “That’s what the guts of the discussions are about at the moment”, we’re told.

I thought Enchanted was a fantastic film and applauded Disney for a fine return to form. It’s a movie that may even be welcomed alongside other Disney classics in the cannon of wonder. Because of the success of the first film I am not surprised that there is a sequel; but I am a little disappointed.

When you have an excellent film like this, that stands so well on its own – just leave it be. The tale had a storybook ending, leave it at that. Jack and the Beanstalk never had a sequel, nor did Old Yeller and those tales both live on to this day. There is something very cheap about making an Enchanted sequel and I am saddened by this decision. Now that Disney has some wind in their sails – I was hoping for a renewed sense of vision and a renewed age of creation. Instead they have opted to take the easy route and milk their glorious creation in order to fill the vaults.

Who knows, this film could rule and I may rue the day I spoke these words; but this decision just doesn’t sit right with me. I feel like a HIghlander 2 is on the horizon.

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