Michael Bay Announces Disinformation Campaign

BayIt appears Michael Bay and Co. are going to be leaking fake information about the upcoming Transformers film in order to throw us off of their trail. We get wind of this strategy from the man himself viaslashfilm:

“Sorry everyone, everything you are reading (other then we are shooting in Philly) is false,” Bay wrote on his website Shoot For the Edit. “We are going to give so much disinformation on this film to confuse everyone.”

I think this is a valid strategy if you want aspects of your film to remain a secret. If you flood the market with bullshit, the hope is that people will either give up on the news altogether or simply be unable to separate the real news from the fake. It simply means more posting for me, and as a community we can try an discern what truth may be found in the myriad of fables that are thrown our way.

我很好奇if Michael Bay said this because someone was getting too close to the truth; or if he simply hopes that by announcing his strategy, everything coming down the pipe will be suspect. Either way I champion his use of this tactic, I think it is humorous, and everyone on his end of production will have a laugh with it. This strategy may however be very annoying to die hard fans (that spend a lot of time advertising the film via word of mouth in their day to day lives). A balance will have to be struck, because without your fans, you’re nothing as an entertainer.

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