Review: Leprechaun Origins

Genre: Horror
Directed by: Zach Lipovsky
Starring: Dylan Postl, Stephanie Bennett, Melissa Roxburgh
Written by: Harris Wilkinson (screenplay)

Synopsis: Two young couples backpacking through Ireland discover that one of Ireland’s most famous legends is a terrifying reality. (c) Imdb

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This isn’t your parents or the Leprechaun you grew up with. In Leprechaun: Origins, a WWE Studios film currently available everywhere On Demand, Digital HD, as well as Blu-Ray and DVD, you will get a whole new take on the Leprechaun. This is the origins story of the character that’s done in the WWE way. Starring as the Leprechaun is Dylan Postl, better known to WWE fans as “Hornswoggle.” This version is short and laughs and more on scares. Unlike the Leprechaun movies of the early 90’s that included Jennifer Aniston in her first feature film role, this version doesn’t have any connections to the original. They are two separate entities. After seeing this version, it will be obvious why.

Origins portrays itself as a regular horror movie, not a parody. It comes off as a standard run-of-the-mill horror. In those aspects it’s decent. Not horrible, not great by any means. It’s okay. It has a few minor scares, though the biggest scare might be the actual leprechaun. Postl doesn’t look anything like Lucky Charms, instead he resembles a gargoyle-mutant-alien kinda monster. Not sure what’s leprechaun about it? Only tie-in I could draw is that the film takes place in Ireland and this monster likes it’s gold. It does do it’s job of looking creepy though. In case you are still wondering..No, it doesn’t have a green little outfit!

Ireland is fun..right?
Ireland is fun..right?

The acting is mediocre at best. The film stars a lot of unknowns. What puzzled me is that Dylan Postl would be ideal to play leprechaun in the original version, however for this incarnation the leprechaun character seems triple Postl’s size. You can’t even tell it’s him with all the heave makeup and prosthetics. The film primarily focuses on the two young couples who travel to Ireland on a vacation. It’s not until the later parts of the movie is when we get to see the leprechaun. The story had some holes. Why did the locals hide the existence of the leprechaun? What benefit did that do to them? Why is the leprechaun so hooked on gold? Just some basic points as a viewer that should have been answered clearly in some form.

妖精起源不是一部可怕的恐怖电影。这是平庸的。对于邪教经典的粉丝来说,最大的惊喜可能是标题外,这部电影不像原著。我很欣赏它实际上试图成为一部恐怖电影而不是模仿。认为观众可能难以理解为什么妖精角色看起来不像真正的妖精?为什么看起来像外星石像鬼?WWE粉丝希望看到Hornswoggle会感到失望。除非您看信誉,否则您甚至都不知道他在电影中。就我个人而言,我是WWE工作室的粉丝,认为他们做一些扎实的电影。在电影中出演的摔跤手是相当不错的演员。 John Cena comes to mind. Seems like the WWE Studios is trying to put out more films of the horror genre. Makes sense, as they have a distribution deal with Lionsgate. The Day was a solid one that they recently produced, though it did have some recognizable faces in it. Maybe the key is to incorporate some known actors for the films to get more notice?

Leprechaun: Origins gets – 4.5 out of 10!

A whole new Leprechaun

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About Jim Alexander

When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.