NYFF: Richard Gere In a Soulful Turn as a Homeless Man in ‘Time Out of Mind’

Paula Schwartz Photo
Paula Schwartz Photo

理查德·吉尔(Richard Gere)在多年来的最佳角色中扮演一个无家可归的人,生活在纽约的无情街道上,《时光之路》(Time Out Of Mard),在纽约电影节上放映。

Gere plays George, a numbed out alcoholic brought low by booze and bad luck, who descends into invisibility and defeat. Hunched over on a park bench, a beer held tight in his fists and flashing a mindless grin, Gere radiates failure so fully you forget you are watching the iconic “American Gigolo” movie star, no small feat for an actor famous for more than four decades.

The whole thing was predicated on that for a lot of this movie I would be on the streets and New York would be passing me by behaving as if I was who I was supposed to be,” Gere told journalists at a press conference following the NYFF screening, where he was joined with the director Oren Moverman (“The Messenger”).


他想以电影中的熟悉方式将故事带到美国的意识中,但是尽管他十年前有一个剧本”it wasn’t there” Gere said. “I was looking for someone like Oren Moverman to do it but I thought he’ll never do it because he’s too busy.

Paula Schwartz Photo
Paula Schwartz Photo

他们在一次学院活动中见面,不久之后,格雷给莫弗曼提供了该作品的初稿。他们发现他们在相同的波长Gere上指出,并补充说,莫弗曼去了无家可归的庇护所,以充实剧本。“Oren had this incredible sense of the process of being homeless, actually the process of living and going through bureaucracy is enough plot. You don’t need to pump it up anymore. Its life itself without any dramaturgy is enough so he was picking things literally, dialogue and situational stuff directly into the movie now from his first visits to the shelters.

As for the film’s title, Gere explained about the state of homelessness: “That’s one of the intoxicating things, mesmerizing things, about this film is it’s definitely on its own time where time kind of doesn’t become a factor anymore. You’re just there with this guy。”

Gere补充说:“Oren has an original bizarre sense of time on film. He doesn’t feel rushed. He doesn’t care about cutting. It’s not what he does. He just wants us to be in the movie with these people, and he doesn’t want to manipulate it in any way whatsoever. And I’m quite aware of two hours in storytelling, and he kept telling me slow down. You don’t have to rush through this.


的玩家lm focuses on the sights and sound of the city. “这是关于听纽约的人。这是关于看纽约的。直到电影结束时,相机才能达到混乱或跟踪,因此这一切都是关于创建这些明信片或一系列照片,在这些照片或一系列照片中,城市专注于一个人,没有人注意到他。令人震惊的是,这个人,这个人是理查德·基尔(Richard Gere)。

Gere补充说:“I keep telling people it’s actually worse than being in prison. It’s a black hole and everyone’s afraid to be sucked into it. You’re radiating failure. No one wants to be near you.


I’m out there the first time to see if this is gonna work. And I’m still making movies! I’m still active! I was really scared actually and anxious about one as a filmmaker but personally I would be that naked out there on the streets,“ 他说。“No one paid any attention. No one saw me.

吉尔甚至手里拿着杯子,向人们求钱。“Not harassing them, but just approaching them. ‘Can you help me out? Spare change? Can you help me out? Spare Change’ No eye contact, even when someone gave me a $1 bill. No eye contact. That was the first time I’ve really felt inside what that is. And for me, look, I come here and you want to hear what I have to say. You’ve seen my movie. I’m iconic in some way.

He sighed,“我是在街上的同一个人,没人愿意靠近。没有人想听到这个故事,所以对我来说,这是对一切相对的深刻经历。” His character wanted only two things, Gere noted, “戏剧睡觉和吃东西。

耶拿·马龙(Jena Malone)是NYFF核心电影《保罗·托马斯·安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)的“继承副主席),他在乔治(George)的疏远女儿玛格(Maggie)中也提供了一些乔治的背景故事。

然后是Kyra Sedgwick,Ben Vereen和Steve Buscemi的客串,它们为故事增添了质感和重量。

Sedgwick plays a homeless woman carting around empty cans; she’s unrecognizable in a knit cap and bad teeth. “她想玩这个女人,” Moverman explained. “She wanted to transform. And she went out and started to talk to people, she talked to homeless women.” She came back with a lot of notes and gave them to Moverman who incorporated them into the script. “She wanted to play that particular woman that she met and that became the role. I became excited about her enthusiasm and her ownership of that role.

Ben Vereen had the script and just showed up in New York with a suitcase and told Moverman, “我需要制作这部电影,这就是为什么。’他有一种与他的角色相连的方式。

The press conference ended with Gere musing on some of the things he learned while making the film.


White guys were very much in our capsules. We get from here and we know where we’re going to and we see very little in between here and there. African Americans are more in the moment, they very much see the world around them for whatever reason. So that was a very interesting part of that process.

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关于Paula Schwartz

宝拉·施瓦茨(Paula Schwartz)是一位资深记者,在《纽约时报》(New York Times)工作了三十年。五年来,她一直是《纽约时报》电影颁奖典礼博客地毯袋士的法式面包。在此之前,她在《纽约时报》夜生活专栏《 Boldface》中工作,在那里她涵盖了名人节拍。她忍受了以利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)的公关人员在肋骨上的戳戳,在迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)不欣赏她所写的内容之后,被迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)的Flak弹出,并忍受了许多其他侮辱来获得故事。她更高兴地采访了主要演员和导演 - 所有人都是好陪伴,非常友善 - 包括布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt),安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie),摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman),克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood),克里斯托弗·普鲁默(Christopher Plummer),达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)和“艺术家”的哈米·索奇(Hammy Pooch)“ Uggie”。她对天堂的想法是连续观看至少三部电影的观众,而不是发短信的观众。她的作品出现在Moviemaker,More.com,Showbiz411和Reelifewithjane.com中。