Director James McTeigue Talks Survivor And Working With The Wachowski’s


与DVD和蓝光发布Survivor6月23日,我有机会与导演詹姆斯·姆克特格(James McTeigue)交谈。詹姆斯谈到了与皮尔斯·布罗斯南(Pierce Brosnan)和米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)合作的感觉,与Wachowski合作,以及最近发行的Netflix系列Sense8

Jim: Hey James, good to hear from you. How did you get involved with the film, was this pitched to you?

James:It came to me through my agent Scott Greenberg at CAA and Irvin Winkle, who is a pretty famous Hollywood producer that has done a bunch of Scorsese movies, and The Right Stuff, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, he’s done the all the Rocky movies, so he’s had a long storied career. They sent me this film, I took a read and I really liked it. The things I really loved about the script was it was sort of a throwback to some of the 70’s thrillers movies that I liked such as Three Days of the Condor, Marathon Man, even The Day of the Jackal, I guess Tony Scott did an upgrade on it called The Enemy of the State. The other thing I really liked was that it had a central female character, where in other movies they had male leads. I thought it was interesting to put a female at the center of this sort of movie.

吉姆:这绝对是值得注意的,以米拉为主导的男性领导者的领先优势。让皮尔斯·布罗斯南(Pierce Brosnan)扮演您期望他的角色的对立面。铸造过程对您来说是什么,并获得了诸如Milla,Pierce和Dylan之类的才华?

James:Yes, of course I was involved in the casting. I thought Milla would be great for the role and she was. If you seen the Resident Evil franchise, you would see she’s great with the action. I thought there was a decent amount of action she would be involved in, as well as the dramatic chops she had to display. With Pierce I thought it would be fun to play him against type, and I think that Pierce was really open to it as well. It’s not often that you get a character like that who is a methodical assassin that really doesn’t have a backstory. I thought that was really interesting, it had that sort of The Day of the Jackal about it. I think ultimately you understand what his motivation is, and the sort of fatigue he has around what he does, but that he knows that he has to do it. There is a certain relish that he goes about job with. All of a sudden he’s come up against this spoil who is and keeps out-stepping him and he finds it very frustrating.


James:太棒了。看,我有一位很棒的摄影师,我与丹尼·鲁尔曼(Danny Ruhlmann)一起工作,他与他合作过几部电影。我认为在伦敦拍摄了这部电影的大部分时间,我真的很想展示通常在电影中探索的伦敦的不同地区。我工作了,住在那里。我绝对认为值得获得伦敦的自然主义和现实版本,这样您实际上会觉得那些角色在那些地方,而不是在其他地方拍摄,并说那是伦敦,那是伦敦。如果您想说这是电影中的角色,我想要那个。它通过电影的线条为所有角色和戏剧性添加了一些东西。

Jim: I feel it definitely did do that, and enhanced the atmosphere of the film. You guys also shot a few weeks in Bulgaria, so what made you want to shoot out there and not all in London?


Jim: You’ve been working a lot with the Wachowski’s throughout your career. It seems like it’s been a partnership with Andy and Lane. What do you like about collaborating with them the most?

James:你知道,首先,他们是朋友。我认为电影体验,如果您可以与之前与之合作的人一起工作,甚至是朋友,目标是制造出色的产品,并继续互相推动以做更多的事情。我认为这使它成为非常有意义的经历。我们一直在寻找可以一起做的事情,告诉您真相。如果他们拍电影,有时我会去拍摄第二个单元。如果我拍电影,他们会来拍摄第二个单元,而不是他们在幸存者上做到这一点,而是我拍的其他电影。我认为我们刚刚在Sense8上所做的电视体验很完美。世界各地八个不同的城市发生了八个不同的角色,是我和他们以及我们的另一个朋友,以及我们旧的视觉效果主管Dan Glass。我们所有人都采用了不同的国家,我认为我们都有相同的敏感性,并希望与我们喜欢的美学事物相同,因此将它们全部带到同一雨伞之下真是太好了。

Jim: Speaking ofSense8,这是一个不同的概念。您将前往不同的位置并拍摄不同的部分。与标准电影相比,它在这方面有何不同?

James:真的很棒。Netflix是出色的创意合作伙伴和合作者。您要做的就是新的独立电影院。2008年后,这一切都改变了制作独立电影的方式。我认为电视和电缆已经浮出水面了。您要做的就是尝试事物,可以拥有不同的故事情节,更长的角色弧。显而易见的是,有些故事无法适应两个小时,但这并不意味着您无法拥有所搜索的拍摄质量。The way the cable channels operate is that they give you the freedom to do that and to experiment, and have very different storylines and within those storylines very different characters, and you know I think that was the very interesting part in doing that, I’d say.


James:It’s great. I mean I think the studios have their place, by their own accounting I’ll tell you that they are doing lesser movies than larger movies. You know the risk is always greater. You have to spent a lot a longer on films and development because there is a lot of money at stake. When doing something for Netflix for example, there is more freedom and it’s great as a filmmaker. The project doesn’t become a three or four year project, it can be like Sense8, from the time we started shooting till the time it will air the twelve episodes it will be less than a year. When you boil it down, basically that’s four or five feature length movies that you’ve done in a year, which is pretty amazing

Jim: What’s next for you. Any projects that you are working on that are coming up?

James:Yeah, I’m doing a film with Voltage called Equinox which I’m actively I’m trying to cast at the moment, so have that coming up. I have a few other films in development. I’m thinking about doing some more stuff for Netflix where we are in the middle of talking at the moment.

Jim: Sounds like you are busy with work, which is always a great thing in this industry.

James:Yeah, it’s always good. For every five or six projects that you develop, there seems like five fall by the wayside and one sticks and you end up doing it. I think if you are always searching for quality projects then that’s okay.

Jim: Good job on Survivor and I’m really looking forward to finally seeingSense8coming out this month. Really enjoyed your previous work withV for VandettaThe Raven, and looking forward toSense8。詹姆斯的运气很幸运。



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关于Jim Alexander

When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.