REVIEW: Westworld Is The Best Show Of The Year

REVIEW: Westworld Is The Best Show Of The Year

指导者:迈克尔·克里顿(Michael Crichton)
Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Ed Harris
撰写者:丽莎·乔伊(Lisa Joy),乔纳森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)


Westworld并不是您典型的游乐园。未来派的公园打算为富人度假者(由机器人的“主人”照顾),允许其游客通过人工意识来实现自己的幻想。无论幻想可能有多非法,对帕克的客人,可以沉迷于任何愿望。“ Westworld”是基于1973年同名的迈克尔·克里顿(Michael Crichton)电影,其中包括一名全明星演员,其中包括奥斯卡奖得主安东尼·霍普金斯(A亚搏电子电竞官方网站nthony Hopkins)和金球奖(Golden Globe)冠军埃德·哈里斯(Ed Harris)。

Going into Westworld you may think you are about to embark on some weird Sci-fi channel adventure. For those who feel too weirded out by those type of shows, I promise you that, Westworld is so much more.Westworld is not only the most watched first season in HBO history,但这是我见过的最好的节目之一。


REVIEW: Westworld Is The Best Show Of The Year

表演是HBO西部世界的显而易见的要点之一。Westworld从安东尼·霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)的名人堂明星,杰弗里·赖特(Jeffrey Wright)和埃德·哈里斯(Ed Harris)继续亮相,因为他们描绘了您将看到的一些最神秘,最复杂的角色,因此他们会看到他们的峰值表演能力。在整个赛季中,您都会想知道每个角色的意图是什么,哪些角色是恶棍,甚至是人类的角色。

Just about every actor plays one of the best characters of their career, as Evan Rachel Wood, Thandie Newton, James Marsden and heck, even another Hemsworth brother, show why they deserve to star in many more shows to come. Evan Rachel Wood play an AI who is stuck to a cycle of trauma and damsel in distress, while Thandie Newton plays one of the most well-developed and self empowering characters on the entire show. This comes as a big surprise as her character is seen as a small supporting role at the start of the season.

From the first couple episodes to the last, you will be truly shocked with how much each character truly develops and changes from what they seemed they were in the first couple of episodes.Even less well known actors like Ben Barnes, and Jimmi Simpson play some excellent roles that have to be some of the best of their career.

Let me not forget to mention the likes of Shannon Woodward and Tessa Thompson. The acting in this show was so stone cold, that I could literally listthe entire IMDB cast在这个节目中,他们的职业生涯中表现最好。由于本节目的大部分是基于神秘的以及接下来会发生的事情,因此每个演员都做得很好,让观众想知道他们的角色将如何影响下一个节目,因为每个情节都充满了越来越多的神秘感,那就是很难预测。


From episode one, to the season finale, the viewer is certain to see some of the best story building up and character development that they have seen in a television show all year. Episode one does enough to keep the viewer interested, but episode two and beyond, will have you hooked and ready to see how this myserteous season will possibly end.

REVIEW: Westworld Is The Best Show Of The Year

这个深讲故事的本质,comes a layer of amazing action and mini-storylines that the “hosts” will intrigue the viewer with even more. Since this show does take place in a sort of “Wild Wild Westworld”, there will are plenty of shootouts for the viewer to enjoy, while being layered with tons of deeper philosophical content.

Episode one starts off with tons of mystery that intrigues the viewer with wanting to see more, while the show continues to slowly answer and open up more questions without it being done in an un-interesting and annoying fashion. The writing of Westworld is nothing short of genius, as it has some of the best layering I have ever seen in a movie or television series all year.

Philosophical content, to the wild wild west thematic shootouts, Westworld is a complete show full of action and deeper layers! The perfect mix for a HBO masterpiece.


While there truly is not much bad to say about the greatness that is Westworld, it is because of this deep layering that this show may find it’s problems. The season finale in particular (which is actually a solid thirty minutes longer), has so many shocking twists and things to digest, that the viewer may find themselves confused or without the appropriate amount of time to properly digest all the “WTF” moments.

虽然有些人可能只是采取所有行动,但情节揭示了刚刚发生的“主计划”,而其他像我这样的人则在消化所有这些和考虑所有这一切的更深层次的哲学含义之间作斗争。由于Westworld非常擅长将如此之多的节目分解为一场热门节目,因此在本赛季大结局中,这种​​额外的30分钟感觉就像它太大了。幸运的是我们有喜欢的人Joanna Robinson at Vanity Fair to sort things out(如果您不想要大型破坏者,请不要阅读).


REVIEW: Westworld Is The Best Show Of The Year

整体Westworld season one is not only the most watched first season in HBO history, but one of the best ways to start a new HBO series, as it answer so many questions, yet leaves season 2 open to so many different possibilities.



因此,借助所有分层和深度,请务必将Westworld Season彼此观看,因为我们将不得不等到2018年第二季!

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  • Acting -9.4/10
  • 摄影 -9/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -9.3/10
  • Setting/Theme -8.8/10
  • 可买到 -9.1/10
  • Recyclability -9.4/10

关于马修·丹德里奇(Matthew Dandridge)

Matt resides in Atlanta, and does everything through freelance writing and acting. Visit his movie site atCrazyForFilm.com为了更深入的电影乐趣!请联系:[电子邮件保护]任何查询。