Red Carpet Interview: Darkest Hour screenwriter Anthony McCarten

安东尼·麦卡滕(Anthony McCarten)

Gary Oldman is on track to win the best actor Oscar for his metamorphosis into Winston Churchill in Joe Wright’s World War II drama “Darkest Hour.” But part of the glory should go to New Zealand screenwriter安东尼·麦卡滕(Anthony McCarten)(“The Theory of Everyting”), who has managed to weave together seamlessly many of Churchill’s actual phrases and speeches with his original dialogue. Where the writing of Anthony McCarten really shines is in the private moments, especially in scenes of Churchill with his adoring wife Clemtine (Kristin Scott-Thomas) or the Brit leader’s encounters with the wary King (Ben Mendelsohn). The Churchill envisioned in the writing of Anthony McCarten is not the cliche tired Chaplin-like figure with a cigar and whiskey, but a real leader, a man who was vital and on a mission to energize the British people during terrible times.


“最黑暗的时光”定于1940年春末,德国刚刚入侵了欧洲。比利时和法国的崩溃迫在眉睫。同时,大多数英国军队被困在敦刻尔克(Dunkirk)的小法国沿海村庄中,尚未进行撤离。(克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)的“Dunkirk” is a great companion piece to this film.)

情况是可怕的,英国首相内维尔·张伯伦(Neville Chamberlain)想与希特勒(Hitler)进行和平谈判,这不仅会对国家羞辱,而且会导致民主和自由的灾难性丧失。这是一个不可想象的情况,丘吉尔(Churchill)因第一次世界大战期间做出的灾难性的军事裁决而被不满,他被要求领导该国并在这段危机时期成为总理。


上周,在纽约电影的首映式上,我与安东尼·麦卡汀(Anthony McCarten)在红地毯上聊了片刻,随后是我们的简短交流:

具有挑战性的是如何混合实际滚筒吗ches and phrases by Churchill with the dialogue you created and make it seem like it was voiced by the same man?

安东尼·麦卡滕(Anthony McCarten): I might even test you as to some phrases from the movie and you can tell me whether you think they’re Winston’s. Winston Churchill, he’s actually stolen a few of my lines for this movie… It’s almost like an act of ventriloquism. You had to get inside the skin, you had to sort of absorb the way that the guy spoke and expressed himself and the range of the vocabulary and then you worked from there. You try to channel the guy really. That’s what a writer does in the end.

您与妻子克莱门汀(Clementine)和乔治国王(King George)之间的私人场景借鉴了什么?您提到的文件或历史文物是否存在?

AM:您进行了所有研究,然后让您的想象力填补了空白。我们没有记录克莱米对温斯顿私下说的话。我们没有记录国王对温斯顿私下说的话。但是,您可以在那个时候对国王对其他人的看法进行研究。您可以查看Clemmie和Winston之间的字母,那里有很大的温柔。这是一种非常热情的关系,我想明白这一点。I wanted to get Winston’s humor, which I think has really not been explored, and I wanted to get this element that I found in the sense that he could be uncertain as well because he’s presented to us as a guy who never doubted himself and I always felt that can’t be true. Every human being doubts himself at different points. Uncertainty is not a bad thing.

Lithgow的丘吉尔(Churchill)饰演“王冠”,布莱恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)最近扮演丘吉尔(Churchill)。您为什么认为在这个特定时间现在有所有这些Winston Churchill电影和参考?

AM:好吧,我只能为自己说话,我从四年前开始,然后才知道其他任何人,但我认为领导肖像在任何时候都很有价值。I think we all want to be reminded form time to time what we’re going to ask for in our leaders and the best place to work out the answer to that is to look into the past, at the great ones and see what they delivered and what lessons we can learn from that.

The president doesn’t seem to have studied statecraft or learned lessons from history. What do you think he could learn from Churchill?


Gary Oldman/Kristin Scott Thomas/Paula Schwartz的照片

Paula Schwartz的Anthony McCarten的特色照片


关于Paula Schwartz

宝拉·施瓦茨(Paula Schwartz)是一位经验丰富的记者,在《纽约时报》(New York Times)工作了三十年。五年来,她一直是《纽约时报》电影颁奖典礼博客地毯的法式面包。在此之前,她在《纽约时报》夜生活专栏《 Boldface》中工作,在那里她涵盖了名人节拍。她忍受了以利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)的宣传员在肋骨上的戳戳,在迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)的flak弹出了一场派对之后,他不欣赏她写的东西,并忍受了许多其他侮辱以获取故事。她更加高兴地采访了主要演员和导演 - 所有人都是好陪伴,非常友善 - 包括布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt),安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie),摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman),克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood),克里斯托弗·普鲁默(Christopher Plummer),达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)和“艺术家”的哈米·索奇(Hammy Pooch)“ Uggie”。她对天堂的想法是连续观看至少三部电影的观众,而不是发短信的观众。她的作品出现在Moviemaker,,Showbiz411和Reelifewithjane.com中。