扎克·埃夫隆(zac Efron

Teenage Heart Throb Zac Efron在Netflix电影“极度邪恶,令人震惊的邪恶和邪恶”中扮演邪恶的泰德·邦迪(Ted Bundy),周四晚上在Tribeca电影节上首映。埃夫隆(Efron)在一定要居住的一定程度上释放了自己。他扮演一名精神病患者,他的外表和魅力将妇女卷入其中,谋杀了妇女。


还参加了首映礼,是演员莉莉·柯林斯(Lily Collins),他扮演邦迪的女友伊丽莎白·肯德尔(Elizabeth Kendal),海莉·乔尔·奥斯门特(Haley Joel Osment)和导演乔·贝林格(Joe Berlinger),主要以纪录片“兄弟守护者”和“ Paradise Lost” Trilogy而闻名。

纽约,纽约 - 5月2日:莉莉·柯林斯(Lilly Collins)和扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)参加了“极度邪恶,令人震惊的邪恶和邪恶” - 2019年在2019年5月2日在纽约市BMCC Trimeca PAC举行的Tribeca电影节。(Dimitrios Kambouris的照片/翠贝卡电影节的Getty Images)

在红地毯上,我问莉莉·柯林斯(Lily Collins),他接下来出现在“托尔金”(Tolkien)中,这是理解她的性格的关键,最初是否认她的未婚妻是连环凶手的女人。

女演员说:“好吧,我必须见面并与丽兹交谈。”她告诉我:“她认为他是无辜的,所以我想确保作为一名演员,知道他并不是无辜的,我可以在拍摄时暂停怀疑。”Collins said the challenge was not to judge her character, who “didn’t think he was guilty, but really knew he was guilty, so it was switching that and not being able to look at all of the information out there to taint my opinion as Liz. It was very complicated to try to get to that point.”

As for the continued fascination with the serial killer, said Collins, “The Ted Bundy court case was the first televised court case in history, which had a huge effect on true crime and people’s fascination with it, and I think we’re always fascinated by people that turn out to be different than what expect, because we all have preconceived ideas of what people are going to be like, and when they completely turn it its head, it can be quite surprising and shocking. And this is a case that that really did that, so to be a part of the telling of that was really interesting.”

Zac Efron作为Ted Bundy是一个奇怪的选择。在红地毯上,我问导演是什么促使他把他当作连环杀手。

“当我考虑拍这部电影时,我打电话给我的大学时代女儿,问他们是否知道泰德·邦迪(Ted Bundy)是谁,而他们俩都不知道。他们的任何朋友都没有。因此,对我来说,邦迪的教训不能被夸大。”他说。“邦迪的教训是,仅仅是因为有人以某种方式表现和行动,并不意味着您应该信任他们。邦迪是一名大师操纵者。人们只是以为他是一个迷人,漂亮的家伙,无法做错,这就是为什么他躲避了这么长时间的原因。”导演说。

因此,雇用像扎克(Zac)这样的人,他是我的首选,感谢上帝,他说是的,扎克(Zac)受到某个人群的尊敬。对于某个人群,扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)不会因为他的外表和行为而做错。And so to give people the literal experience of watching a film with one of their icons who at part of the film they’re actually liking him and suspending their disbelief that he’s a serial killer, so that by the end of the movie when Elizabeth, played by Lily Collins, realizes the horrible person she’s been living with, I want that audience to have the same reaction of betrayal and disgust that they’ve actually liked this character for part of the movie. Because that brings to life the message of the movie, which is the people who you least expect and most often trust are the ones who do evil in this world. Whether it’s a priest who commits pedophilia and holds mass the next day, or somebody like Ted Bundy who deceived everybody.”



乔·贝林格(Joe Berlinger)/Paula Schwartz摄

他补充说:“实际上,当我把他看上去很像他时,我实际上并不一定会认为。但是一点头发,没有太多的化妆,没有假肢。我们唯一要做的是我们将较低的牙齿与邦迪的牙齿相匹配,因为Bite Mark证据在他最终被定罪的方式中起着作用。因此,我希望牙齿相似。但是我们没有做很多假肢。他只是居住了这个角色。第一天,我们所有人都做了双重攻击。我们知道我们走在正确的道路上,因为他只是以某种方式……他减轻了体重,只是,我们只是知道我们走上了正确的道路。”




关于Paula Schwartz

宝拉·施瓦茨(Paula Schwartz)是一位资深记者,在《纽约时报》(New York Times)工作了三十年。五年来,她一直是《纽约时报》电影颁奖典礼博客地毯袋士的法式面包。在此之前,她在《纽约时报》夜生活专栏《 Boldface》中工作,在那里她涵盖了名人节拍。她忍受了以利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)的公关人员在肋骨上的戳戳,在迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)不欣赏她所写的内容之后,被迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)的Flak弹出,并忍受了许多其他侮辱来获得故事。她更加高兴地采访了主要演员和导演 - 所有人都是好陪伴,非常友善 - 包括布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt),安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie),摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman),克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood),克里斯托弗·普鲁默(Christopher Plummer),达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)和《艺术家》中的哈米·索奇(Hammy Pooch)“ Uggie”。她对天堂的想法是连续观看至少三部电影的观众,而不是发短信的观众。她的作品出现在Moviemaker,More.com,Showbiz411和Reelifewithjane.com中。