2019: Top 6 Rated Movies In U.S.

There is no doubt there are thousands of movie lovers scattered throughout the United States. These individuals spend their time watching movies on the big screen and television. It really doesn’t matter as long as they are entertained and pleased with the results. Unfortunately, not all movies are designed to offer storylines and endings viewed as “pleasing” to viewers. These movies are the ones that receive extremely low ratings, whatever is left over will receive praise for their efforts. Below, you will discover a shortlist of the top-rated movies in the U.S.


寄生虫, directed by Bong Joon Ho, has been described as one of the best black comedy-thrillers of all time. The movie features a poor family who goes from rags to riches, utilizing some of the most artful schemes. After watching the film, viewers are left feeling sympathetic toward both the wealthy and impoverished. Jean Renoir could not have described it better when she said “everyone has their reasons.” This is a story that will be spoken of for years.

Knives Out

Knives Out, directed by Rian Johnson, is a story about whodunit. The family featured in the movie is continuously fighting over a rich author’s will. There isn’t anything that the family will not do to get the upper hand. They are even willing to kill if that’s what it takes. During intermission, you can enjoy online games atBandar Bola.. One of the main characters, Nurse Marta Cabera, played by Ana de Armas steals the show with her amazing performance.

The Wizard Of Oz


There are numerous versions of the film available so you can watch it in color and black and white. Regardless, you will enjoy the experience.


公民凯恩is widely considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. If you’re bored and watch to watch something interesting and meaningful, you’ll want to check out this movie. It follows a reporter who is trying to unravel the story of Charles Foster Kane who has died in his mansion and left behind a fortune. During his time, Kane had successes and scandals so the movie makes for an interesting tale. Simultaneously, the reporter is attempting to find out why Kane’s last word was “Rosebud”. The movie is nearly two hours long and it is gripping from start to finish.

It was released in 1941 so you’ll likely have to watch it in black and white. Nevertheless, the experience is well worth it.


If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, you should sit down and watch Moonlight. The 2016 American drama is based on an unpublished autobiographical play. It follows the main character throughout his life in three stages including his young, adolescence, and early adulthood. It is an excellent film that tackles a handful of subjects including sexuality, identity, and growing up rough. The film was released in September 2016 and it has a hit from then on. It managed to earn $65 million at the box office making it very successful for producers.

Many argue that the film is one of the best of the 21st century. There is a good chance that you’re going to enjoy it.


Some films are packed with emotions and they’re going to unleash them throughout the movie. If you can handle crying, you’ll want to steam The Farewell. The 2019 film is touching and very sad. It focuses on a Chinese-American woman who travels to China after learning her grandmother only has a short time left on Earth. The family doesn’t tell the grandmother about the terminal disease and instead plans a wedding as a guise. The film is funny at times but deeply emotional. It’ll keep you glued to your seat for an hour and four minutes. Since it was released in August of 2019, you won’t have to worry about watching it in black and white.

Be sure to check this one out since it is worth your time.

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