Review: All Day and a Night Is a Big Pill of Systemic Oppression To Swallow

As soft-spoken Jahkor (Ashton Sanders,Moonlight)在奥克兰(Oakland)的帮派战争中,他努力保持自己的梦想,他命运的生活和现实世界中的责任使他越来越多地越来越多地越来越多地越来越多。降落在他父亲旁边的监狱(Jeffrey Wright)旁边, Westworld)他从不想像他,贾科尔(Jahkor)踏上了一个不太可能的自我发现的旅程,探索了团结起来的事件,希望帮助他的新生儿子打破一个感觉不可避免的循环。

All Day and a Night Trailer:

The Good:

An easy highlight forAll Day and a Nightwill come from its stellar cast. Ashton Sanders delivers a solid performance in his role. His voice over narration and nonverbal scenes combine together to form a convincing message. You can see the pain he’s hiding whenever he has to deal with a compromising situation. As a result, it was hard not to empathize for his character given how much he had to endure with the limited options at his disposal. Alongside Ashton was the strong acting of Jeffrey Wright. He was truly immersed into his character and I loved how committed he appeared to be in his role. Wright was able to demonstrate the internal struggle of his character doing wrong things but still striving to be better in whatever way possible.

All Day And A Night – Ashton Sanders, Jeffrey Wright – Photo Credit: Netflix / Matt Kennedy

接下来,我认为这部电影的面包和黄油在解决黑人社区中的许多系统性和社会学困境时就发挥了作用。强调的一个问题是学校到监狱管道的情况。我认为这足以证明这一点,可以使我们对贫困中的某些人如何成为周围失败系统的产物,使我们有一个现实的观点。All Day and a Nightuses its characters successfully in a manner that put a face to issues within the educational, prison, and economic systems in poor communities. In addition to that, this film also explores some challenging themes of masculinity and personal responsibility. Although it could’ve been emphasized more, I appreciated how this movie attempted to show both the vicious cycle the characters were caught up in, and also their efforts to try and break it.


整天和一个夜晚 - BTS - 主任乔·罗伯特·科尔(Joe Robert Cole),以赛亚·约翰(Isaiah John),阿什顿·桑德斯(Ashton Sanders) - 照片来源:Netflix / Matt Kennedy

我最大的问题All Day and a Nightis the overall presentation of the film. The film is organized in a non sequential order as it chronicles the events in the life of the main character. While that normally isn’t much of an issue, it does have a negative effect on the storytelling. For example, what would’ve been the climax of the movie, is instead used as the introduction to the film. That introduction includes a bit of mystery as we’re lead to wonder the motivations that lead up to that point. Due to the editing and placement of the later story elements, that bit of mystery is lost until the very end of the film. So as a result, the emotional impact of the revelation we later learn is minimized. As a matter of fact, when you learn even more truths about some of the characters, those discoveries felt like they carried much less weight as they unraveled.


尽管All Day and a Nightdoes live in the same space as aMenace II社会或者Boyz n引擎盖,我不会说这与这些电影一样好。我不得不给这部电影第二张手表,正是在那时,故事的更多方面开始点击。通常情况下,这可能是真正深刻而复杂的电影的情况,但这并非如此。All Day and a Night简单地试图覆盖比它所能处理的更多的地面,因为问题和主题范围很广。

All Day And A Night – Yahya Abdul-Mateen II – Photo Credit: Netflix / Matt Kennedy

All Day and a Nightis nothing short of a tough watch. Sadly, this reminded me of the feeling I get when I watch a slave movie. Watching African American trauma and abuse is a lot to take in visually. (Especially for African Americans who can relate to the story in some way.) It can be draining.

All Day And A Night – Ashton Sanders, Shakira Ja’nai Paye – Photo Credit: Netflix / Matt Kennedy

I think this movie will pose a big challenge for non people of color who are unfamiliar with the dynamics at play. My concern is that some may just treat this film more as confirmation of stereotypes rather than seeing the humanizing motives that the film is trying to accomplish. The choices and consequences that characters face are real and heavy. I just don’t think there was enough of a counterbalance presented by the movie to demonstrate the intended rays of positivity.


Director:乔·罗伯特·科尔(Joe Robert Cole)
作家:乔·罗伯特·科尔(Joe Robert Cole)
Stars:Jeffrey Wright, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Andrea Ellsworth

All Day and a Nightis currently playing on Netflix.Be sure to followE-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook,订阅YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG@EmansReviewsfor even more movie news and reviews!

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  • Acting -8/10
  • 摄影 -6/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -6/10
  • Setting/Theme -8/10
  • 可买到 -6/10
  • Recyclability -5/10

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About Emmanuel "E-Man" Noisette

伊曼纽尔(Emmanuel)是芝加哥电影评论家Eman's Movie Reviews。他是Movietickets.com等网站的作家和视频内容创建者的自由职业者。一定要加入其他33k+粉丝Facebook Fan Page为了更多的电影意见和乐趣。随时与他联系任何专业询问:[电子邮件保护]