Disney+ Moon Knight villain Anton Margot the Midnight Man CONCLUSION

Now we’re finally at the conclusion of our trilogy of videos giving us the comic book origin of Anton Margot theMidnight Man.

In our最后一个视频, it was revealed that Anton Margot the Midnight Man had been working with Bushman this entire time to torture the life ofMoon Knight.What’s interesting is Bushman starts talking smack to Moon Knight. He starts monologuing about how he remembers Marc before this whole Moon Knight thing. In his own twisted way, The Bushman feels responsible for Marc’s transformation into the hero Moon knight. And Bushman’s not wrong as he absolutely is the catalyst that led to Moon Knight ending up in service of Khonshu.

Now if you haven’t realized it yet let me tell you this: Marc’s psyche ispretty fragile.Marc’s struggling with all of his identities and is at risk of losing his sense of self.TheKhonshu statuewas a totem for Marc and helps him ground his sense of identity throughout his adventures.

TheBushman reminds Marc that his statue is destroyed and sitting at the bottom of the cavern that’s now rapidly filling with water. This is devastating to Marc and the sight of his moon god is broken. He also takes this as his opportunity to escape from the cavern.马克(Marc)陷入了他的昆书(Khonshu)身份被摧毁的情况下被冻结。布什曼(Bushman)在马克(Marc)被冻结的时候逃脱,因为他的自信和自我意识被那个雕像的破坏所毁灭了。这需要一个惊人的午夜男人和史蒂文·格兰特·巴特勒·塞缪尔(Steven Grants Butler Samuels)恳求月亮骑士的综合努力,以帮助他们逃脱,因为他们所处的洞穴迅速充满了水。

Moon Knightmanages to loosen a brick using his silver crescent-shaped blades and is able to kick a hole open large enough for them to use to escape.一个ton Margottakes this as his opportunity to escape and is the first through the exit. Moon Knight and his butler soon follow and are pulled out of the cavern due to the rushing water. Moon Knight can only retrieve the head of his precious statue of Khonshu before being forced out of the cavern due to the overwhelming force and pressure of all of the water rushing out of the cavern through the hole moon knight had made.

现在接下来发生的事情可能是月亮骑士心理健康脆弱性的最突出的例子。最终,月亮骑士和他的管家进入了岸边,但是Moon Knightis on land he begins doubting his self-worth. The destruction of his statue of Khonshu puts Marc in a mind state that fully disassociates himself from all of his identities and instead refers to himself as a nobody. Marc goes missing for days until he is finally found in a park living as a vagrant and talking to himself. This is a really difficult time for marc and although he’s surrounded by friends and loved ones who encourage him to move forward, he doesn’t have self-confidence without the statue of Khonshu.

It’s at that time that Marlene reveals that the status that Anton Margot theMidnight Man马克曼(Marc)的布什曼(Bushman)和从马克(Marc)偷来的人实际上是玛琳(Marlene)持有的假货,而真正的雕像被暗中隐藏在另一个位置。她说,她将其作为一种安全措施来保护原始的,同时保留副本。马克看到了这一点,并开始重新获得信心。His friends and loved ones are quick to point out that Marc has been able to do everything he’s accomplished with a replica and they try to convince him that his actions and abilities are derived from the statue but in actuality he’d been able to accomplish everything as moon knight under his own power. Marc claims he’s beginning to understand but you can never be sure with the creative ways that the artist likes to frame the statue in the shots.

After some timeMoon Knightdecides to resume his investigation into Bush Man who had orchestrated a crime wave in moon knights absence. Moon knight doesn’t waste any time and is as flashy as ever by pulling up on bushman from his new and improved Moon Knight-themed helicopter. Bushman attempts his escape in a nearby car and eventually drives to the nearby botanical garden. While inside the gardens moon knight and bushman clash once again and engage in a fight. Bushman initially gets the upper hand due to his massive frame and experience as a soldier. Moon Knight however has his full confidence restored and is able to overpower bushman for the first time in a 1 on 1 fight.

What’s interesting is after The Bushman is taken in by authorities there’s a bit of an epilogue where marc in his steven grant persona is unwinding with Marlene but is shown studying the Khonshu statue. Marc asks Marlene to tell him the truth:

Was the shattered statue the replica and this was the real one, or did Marlene have a replica made after the original was destroyed?


一个yway thanks for sticking with me for this whole trilogy on the full漫画起源of the character known asMidnight Man.

That’s all I have for this one, I’ll check with you guys later. Peace.

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