Armie Hammer:Caymans的职业死亡

Armie Hammer

Armie Hammer现在是Caymans的时间共享推销员。我从没想过我会输入这个短语,但我猜想那个阿米·锤子从未想过他也会成为分时度假推销员。

我在SXSW2018(2018年与当时的妻子一起)炒作由斯坦利·图奇(Stanley Tucci)执导的电影。这部电影于2017年发行,是“最后的肖像。”这是“瑞士画家和雕塑家Alberto Giacometti的故事。电影出演了杰弗里·拉什(Geoffrey Rush),Armie Hammer和Tony Shalhoub。它是由斯坦利·图奇(Stanley Tucci)撰写和导演的。图奇(Tucci) - 巧合的是,“安静的地方”明星的姐夫艾米丽·布朗特(嫁给她的妹妹) - 不是亲自那里的,但他派了Armie Hammer,这部电影在派拉蒙隔壁的剧院中放映(美国国家(以前是国家剧院)在开幕之夜,我以前见过一群受过训练的猫的剧院招待了我的孙女。[一些猫在演出期间从舞台上逃脱了;我们被告知要打开大厅的大门。]


Armie Hammer
2018年SXSW的Armie Hammer(然后是妻子)。

“一个安静的地方”将在较大的派拉蒙举行2018年隔壁的2018年音乐节。我已经买了一张票一个安静的地方”因为那部电影的作家是我家乡地区的贝滕多夫(IA)当地人斯科特·贝克(Scott Beck)和布莱恩·伍兹(Bryan Woods)。I decided to see if I could hit both at once, leaving “Final Portrait” early because, honestly, I had little interest in this obscure Italian painter and sculptor, but was intensely interested in how “A Quiet Place” would do as Paramount’s Opening Night Film at SXSW. It was a wise decision.

麻烦立即开始。我们挤进了美国国家剧院的小大厅,但是投影仪没有手术或电影有缺陷,或者其他一些技术问题导致负责人试图将笔记本电脑运送到控制台。当我听到它时,该计划是从笔记本电脑中播放电影。That didn’t sound like the Opening Night experience I had in mind, so, after meeting and greeting the extremely handsome Armie Hammer, I split for “A Quiet Place” next door at the Paramount—but not before taking the pictures you see here.

Armie Hammer在红地毯上的“最终肖像”,SXSW,2018年。(康妮·威尔逊的照片)AR

然后是阿米不忠的消息以及他关于食人和其他启示的文字。尽管如此,阿米还是Death on the Nile在2022年,在太多场景中无法删除,所以阿米在阳光下又有一天。现在,根据“每日地球仪”在阳光下的日子,在开曼人的销售时间麻液中花费了。

根据《每日邮报》的报道,阿米在阳光下的日子是在开曼群岛度过的,每周以2,000美元的价格出售时间麻醉,或者在莫里特度假村(Morritt's Resort)的10年售价21,000美元。6月,他在那里被发现有一个潜在买家的单位,尽管他的经纪人在被问到时否认了这一点。



康妮(Corcoran)威尔逊( the Quad City Times film and book critic for 15 years and has continued reviewing film uninterruptedly since 1970. She also publishes books in a variety of genres (, has taught writing or literature classes at 6 Iowa/Illinois colleges or universities as adjunct faculty, was Yahoo's Content Producer of the Year 2008 for Politics, is the author of It Came from the 70s: From The Godfather to Apocalypse Now, and writes on a variety of topics at her own blog, Weekly Wilson is also the name of her podcast on the Bold Brave Media Global Network on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. (CDT).