吉姆·卡里(Jim Carrey)对“面具”续集认真吗?

When you’re a very popular singer, or you’re in a world-famous band, there comes a point where your audience is more interested in hearing your ‘greatest hits’ than they are in anything new you might have to share with them. When Aerosmith or Guns n’ Roses go out on tour now, nobody wants to hear anything off their new album. The whole crowd wants to listen to the songs they already know and re-connect with their youths. The same is sometimes true of actors. Even stars who’ve refused to do sequels to their most famous films for most of their careers often come back to them in the end. We’ve seen Sylvester Stallone do it with both “Rocky” and “Rambo.” Now it appears that we might be about to see Jim Carrey head down the same road.

吉姆·卡里(Jim Carrey)作为漫画演员的职业生涯漫长而成功,其中包括许多标志性的角色。你们中有些人最了解他在“杜鲁门秀”中的主演角色。对于其他人来说,这将是他作为“骗子骗子”中典范的律师弗莱彻·里德(Fletcher Reed)的搞笑表演。这两部电影都被整个地球上数百万人所欣赏,但不想贬低它们,我们认为它们不是他最著名的角色。为此,我们必须选择“ Ace Ventura”或“面具”。对于在1990年代长大的一代孩子来说,这是童年的亮点。我们已经看到谣传Carrey正在认真考虑再次玩宠物侦探王牌文图拉。现在看来,他也可能被吸引作为“面具”的另一种表演。

如果要确认这些谣言,那将是一部电影的显着复兴,这是自1994年发行以来从未真正进行过跟进的电影,并从Carrey和联合主演Cameron Diaz脱颖而出。有一个短暂的动画电视连续剧,持续了一年,还有一部(可怕的)续集《面具之子》(The Mask of the Mask)的形状,该续集于2005年发行给商业和严重失败,没有任何carrey或迪亚兹重新宣传。尽管有这些挫折,但其遗产仍在继续。今天,即使是电影发行26年,在线插槽基于电影,仍在几个在线老虎机网站上进行咆哮的交易。这一事实可能是怀旧而不是希望看到新内容的事实,但这也可能表明,如果人们仍然愿意在“面具”上花钱作为在线老虎机游戏,他们也可能准备花钱花钱在电影上。

2005年《面具之子》电影的命运证明,这个概念注定没有凯雷,在过去的二十年中,大多数人都对踏上旧地面的踏板都没有任何兴趣。As a loose rule, Carrey has rarely shown any interest in creating sequels to any of his biggest films, other than “Ace Ventura” towards the beginning of his Hollywood career and “Dumb and Dumber” at what some might call the end of his ‘peak’ years. It’s clear that something has changed in Carrey’s attitude toward the project, and his apparent willingness to return to the role will doubtless get Hollywood producers excited, but nobody should start to believe that this is a done deal yet. Based on what Carrey’s had to say about the idea so far, he does have a genuine interest in playing Stanley Ipkiss again – but it would come with a condition.

在某些人可能将迈克·韦尔布(Mike Werb)和查尔斯·罗素(Charles Russell)分别撰写和执导第一部电影的人可能会看作的那样,卡里(Carrey)显然对制作续集没有任何兴趣,如果他们都参与其中。相反,根据向媒体发表的评论,并被各种媒体捡起,他想看看该物业放在“有远见的电影制片人”的手中谁可能对此有不同寻常的想法。这可能是一种有礼貌的方式,说他对再次扮演角色的概念感兴趣,但前提是他信任他写一个强大的剧本而不是扮演原始电影的善意的人来处理这部电影。

If a script is ever written for this proposed new “Mask” project, it almost certainly won’t include the character of Tina Carlyle, as played by Cameron Diaz in 1994. After a glittering twenty-year movie career, Diaz returned from acting in 2014 and has since resolutely remained focused on her family life and her social and political activism. She’s rejected numerous offers to come back to acting, and it’s highly likely that she would reject this too if it were offered to her. The role could theoretically be recast, but there seems little point in doing so. More than a quarter of a century has passed, and there are many storyline explanations that could be given as to why Tina was no longer in Stanley’s life.

在如此长的时间之后,在复活如此珍贵的电影财产中也将存在固有的风险。Carrey looks great for his age, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s no longer the young, sprightly man that he was in 1994. The defining characteristics of the Mask character were his over-the-top physicality and his rubber-like facial expressions. As gifted as Carrey is, it’s unlikely that he’d be able to play it the same way now that he’s approaching sixty years old. Having said that, perhaps that could be the premise of the whole film. The story of the original “Mask” film was the question of what would happen if a young man was given ultimate power. The story of the second one could be the question of what would happen if a much older man were to be given that same power, and what he might do differently. It might not have the same comedic potential, but it would be an interesting idea to explore.


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关于艾略特·霍珀(Elliot Hopper)