Learn about the best TV series in the mystery genre today

The Best TV series in the mystery genre

Just recently, the fourth season of “Very Strange Things” ended. For those who have already gotten bored with mysticism, we have collected a list of excellent TV series about paranormal phenomena, time travel, and fantastic creatures.

Here are classics like “Twin Peaks” and “The X-Files” and modern shows that audiences have already grown to love. On the theme of the TV series, Twin Peaks is even a game in a赌场在线. Here you will see such iconic series as:

  • 双峰;
  • 超自然;
  • 美国恐怖故事和其他人。


1980年代在美国电视台上的电视连续剧格式分为几种公式化类型:诸如“圣塔芭芭拉”(Santa Barbara)之类的肥皂剧,例如“ Alpha”和类似的程序戏剧。但是,当ABC发行了“双峰”试点剧集时,一切都发生了变化,该剧集吸引了3400万观众到他们的银幕上 - 几个月来,观众一直关心一个问题:“谁杀死了劳拉·帕尔默?”

戴维·林奇(David Lynch)和马克·弗罗斯特(Mark Frost)真正的传奇,深刻的哲学系列,讲述了一个美国小镇的黑暗奥秘革命:第一次在电视上显示了具有复杂音乐,多层潜台词和深刻发达的角色的多小时故事片。不幸的是,由于与网络管理的分歧,在第2季第7集中揭示了杀手的身份之后,戴维·林奇(David Lynch)离开了该项目。作家不知道该如何填补屏幕时间,因此第2季的大多数都包括公然荒谬而令人困惑的故事情节。当然,除了在最后一集中,大师返回的最后一集,让观众感到兴奋,并且有很多问题,有些人直到25年后才得到答案!

双峰: The Return

在2017年,Showtime(也不是没有争议和分歧)为David Lynch提供了完全的自由,以及一个全新的节目《 Twin Peaks:Twin Peaks:The Recor》,看到了一天的光芒:没有樱桃派和爱情三角形。导演并没有让观众重复他们对旧节目的所有内容,而是将观众几乎对双峰颠倒的所有知识都变成了一切,通过复杂的戏剧和图像综合,充满了18集,充满了复杂而抽象的思想。结果,第三季是大卫·林奇(David Lynch)的作品的精髓和后现代的陈述,具有更多的神秘主义,更少的不必要的故事情节和许多真正的Auteur电影院。

The X-Files

的一个重要的“90年代,wh系列打击ich returned to the airwaves for a few years in the second half of the 2010s, is the legendary kaleidoscope of mystical plots, with as many as 218 episodes. Again, showrunner Chris Carter hit the mark, crafting a piece as appropriate as possible for an era of mistrust of government, conspiracy theories, and a resurgent belief in the paranormal. Some episodes were ridiculous and funny, and some were true masterpieces in the horror and thriller genres, whose impact on pop culture is hard to overestimate. But X-Files owes its success to its central characters: special agents Mulder and Scully, who work in a particular department of unsolved cases involving the paranormal. In addition, the show’s stars, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, are a spectacular duo of enthusiasts and skeptics, between whom a close bond, painstakingly crafted by the writers, is established throughout the action.




一群飞机失事的幸存者发现自己在南太平洋的一个神秘的热带岛屿上。J.J.艾布拉姆斯(Abrams)和达蒙·林德洛夫(Damon Lindeloff)的不可预测而令人着迷的表演是一个真正的拼图,充满了黑暗和神秘的谜团。这些最令人震惊的不是角色在岛上会遇到的怪物,而是突破倒叙的恶魔。不幸的是,并非所有的奥秘都得到了作者的成功回答,但是角色的个人故事以一种非常动人和不寻常的方式结束。

The Leftovers

1.4亿人失踪三年后,马普尔顿的居民试图将人类的生活留在他们的生活中。这场灾难已经分裂了家庭,改变了对世界的看法 - 从字面上看:一些幸存者加入了宗派,其中最受欢迎的群体被称为“有罪”和“圣韦恩”。第一个季节的事件围绕着凯文·加维(Kevin Garvey)的家庭,后者是警察局长,他必须在城市及其家人内维持和平。


我们中的许多人都记得该节目的第一个季节,讲述了一个充满幽灵的神秘房子,由华丽的杰西卡·朗(Jessica Lang)和埃文·彼得斯(Evan Peters)主演。现在,您能想象创作者从那以后做了九个新季节吗?他们每个人都致力于不同的角色和故事情节:有一个怪胎马戏团,盟约,精神庇护,甚至启示录。不幸的是,该节目的创作者厌倦了最近的几期,因此这些故事是奇怪的,有时是荒谬的。


What’s a modern mystery list without “Darkness,” Netflix’s first German-language series with a powerful finale. The story of the mysteries hidden by the members of four small-town Winden families can be described as between “Twin Peaks” and “Stranger Things.” On the one hand, there are mysterious disappearances of teenagers and time travel. But on the other hand – a complex relationship between characters, mysticism, and unexpected plot twists. Events here are as confusing as possible, and the main villain is not Demogorgon, but fate itself, so ruthlessly punishing the heroes for trying to resist her.


“Pines” is not what it seems: another mystery show inspired by “Twin Peaks” and based on the Blake Crouch novels. Secret Service agent Ethan Burke arrives in an idyllic town to find his missing colleagues. Unfortunately, two facts complicate the assignment: one of the agents is the main character’s ex-lover. Also, as it turns out, it’s impossible to get out of Wayward Pines. By the way, the executive producer and director of the pilot series are M. Night Shyamalan (“Split,” “The Sixth Sense”).


A dark yet hilarious show whose creators knew precisely how a story should line up on television (at least, judging from the first few seasons). The basic plot isn’t convoluted: the Winchester brothers travel around the states searching for paranormal phenomena and evil spirits, trying to find the monster that once killed their mother. Charming characters, clever storytelling technique, and a well-written script kept viewers’ attention for the first 3-5 seasons (five were initially intended). But in the end, they made it to 15, turning the show into a sci-fi soap opera about a showdown between angels and demons.


关于艾略特·霍珀(Elliot Hopper)