
Best Marvel movies

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is so vast and diverse these days that the franchise deserves its own interactive ranked list. And while we love Marvel, there’s no denying that not every movie ever released from Marvel Studios is a hit.

如果您只想看前三部漫威电影,哪些电影会列出列表?“复仇者?”“黑豹”?“银河护卫队”?无论如何,印度在线赌场has a game on the motif of each of these films. The choice is extensive. Here you can find:

  • 复仇者
  • Spider-Man;
  • X-Man.


有人会说顶部的顶部是“钢铁侠”。它有很多小唐尼(Downey Jr.),伟大的笑话,出色的情节,引人入胜的小人和非巡回演出。现在这是一个突破。这就是我们说的。

The actual event that changed the balance of power in the comic book adaptation market showed who’s boss was not Jon Favreau’s masterpiece, whose script was written as it was filmed, but the first big crossover. “The Avengers” blew up the box office and proved that the idea of putting so many different heroes together on the big screen is not a utopia. It wasn’t for nothing until the second phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that Kevin Feige and the crew began experimenting and taking more risks. Note that the studio had such doubts about the success of “The Avengers” that they had to shoot a sequel to “Iron Man urgently.” The success of the co-star Tony Stark was no comparison with the films about the adventures of the other members of the superhero team.

The film doesn’t strut and plunges into fast-paced events. The Tesseract, hunted by Hydra and the United States, led by Captain America and Tony Stark’s father Howard, begins to emit complex scientific-magical energy from the cosmos. It turns out that he can open portals. And he decides to set one up for Loki, Thor’s brother, at the agency base, where Clint Hawkeye Barton is overseeing everything. Director Nick Fury orders Agent Colson, who interrogated the Thunder God in the Thor solo movie, to start the evacuation, and Dr. Selvig from the same Thor movie doesn’t understand what’s happening with the movie’s macguffin. And that’s the first seven minutes. So it wasn’t that much of a stretch to watch the last five parts to understand what’s going on in “The Avengers,” and that’s incredibly cool. Like comic books, you get a quick page-by-page outline of the exposition.



Where is “Age of Ultron?” Despite the apparent repetition of all the moves from the first part, Joss Whedon failed to repeat the very feat he accomplished by literally putting together the first “Avengers” piece by piece. The context had changed, and his approach was no longer relevant. The funny thing is, he realized it himself. As a nerd god (See Firefly, Buffy, at the very least, which is why geeks respect Joss – or did, until Justice League), Whedon wanted to give his heroes development. Show people, not superheroes. What it means to be a vigilante for everyone, and why these particular people ended up on the same side together in the first place.


The franchise needed a fresh look and approach, especially since the threequel involved all the heroes and one new villain now of universal proportions. The Russo brothers had already blown up the dance floor twice before Infinity War, finding the perfect approach to the most boring Captain America.


凯文·费格(Kevin Feige)似乎并没有弄清楚如何发展CAP的角色。如何用一个关于无聊的理想主义者的故事使观众感到惊讶,如果不再改变环境,就像史蒂夫·罗杰斯(Steve Rogers)冒险的第二部分一样?将几乎所有复仇者都塞入图片中,使他们战斗。

That’s not the point. The movie is a purely commercial product and a clever move by Disney, who feared a robust bid from Warner in the form of Batman v Superman. So it makes sense that a threequel about the Captain was to continue the story of Steve and Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes’ relationship. And let’s not lie, that line is there, too, on top of a hundred thousand others.





To this day, X-Men 2 is considered one of Marvel’s best about mutants. The Singer managed to concentrate on the fact that mutants and humans are afraid of each other, and this fear can lead to disaster. In the first film, Professor Xavier’s coalition fought the Magneto brotherhood, and the question of relations with humans was drowned in the personal and rather lax contradictions of the mutant leaders. Moreover, the brutality of Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, turned the viewer off from serious questions.

Oddly enough, the director manages to speak more globally by putting Wolverine at the center of the plot and linking him directly to the villain. Paradoxically, that’s what Singer is all about. His scale is evident in his personal stories. No one else does that.

Spider-Man 2

我最好的朋友蜘蛛侠!与DC的Mastodons Batman和Superman不同,他们不止一次出现在屏幕上,并以不同的版本出现在屏幕上,Marvelian主角很长一段时间都来到了大屏幕。早在八十年代后期,计划改编了Metro Goldwyn Meyer的彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)的冒险经历。詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)附着在该项目上,并拥有有机网络的想法。但是,a,它没有解决。缺乏资金和对少年英雄的需求弱,掩埋了这个想法。


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