
过去,如果您想在电视上观看图形性爱场景,您将没有很多选择。借助Netflix这样的流媒体服务,情况不再如此。现在,您可以随时随地观看任何东西。我们介绍了电视上捕获的最热门和最图形性的性爱场面。在相关说明中,请查看此综述steamiest film scenes



This is a TV show about Russian monarch Catherine the Great. She is played by Elle Fanning. Catherine was very much ahead of her time in many ways and this series reflects it. Fanning has many sultry scenes with Nicholas Hoult, who plays her husband, and also with her lover, Sebastian de Souza. The scenes with the latter are hotter, unsurprisingly.



Run features lots of sexy scenes between the main characters Ruby and Billy, played by Merritt Wever and Domhnall Gleeson. TheHBOshow令人jaw目结舌的坦率。化学Gleeson和Wever带来了他们角色的相遇非常令人印象深刻。但是,场景有些淡化。根据演出的创作者维基·琼斯(Vicky Jones)的说法,一开始有太多的性生活,以至于它变得压倒性且产生了相反的效果。

3. Orange is the New Black

这场演出列为列表也就不足为奇了 - 它有很多性感的场景。不过,我们的脑海中有一个脱颖而出的东西 - Poussey和Soso之间的淋浴场景。女演员也对此感到非常满意。有传言说他们在现实生活中几乎成为一对夫妇!

4. The Night Manager

尽管该节目必须保持对电缆友好的友好(在英国和美国的AMC上播出),但这并没有阻止创作者添加性感场景。它有一个现在的标志性场景,汤姆·希德勒斯顿(Tom Hiddleston)正在与伊丽莎白·德比奇(Elizabeth Debicki)发生性关系。从那以后said她不知道它会产生的效果,以及它的强度,因为他们很快拍摄了它。她说她没有意识到他的屁股会在那个场景中显示出来,因为她不在那儿。至于Hiddleston,他认为这没什么大不了的。他在一次采访中告诉《太阳报》:“我来自欧洲电影的传统,裸体并不是真正的东西。”

5. Daredevil

In the fifth episode of the second season of the Netflix show, Matt Murdock (played by Charlie Cox) and Elektra Natchios (Élodie Yung) take part in a remarkable scene, showing how fine the line between hate and love (fighting and sex) is. It was a very memorable scene indeed. They had sex in a boxing ring, which was infinitely sexy to watch. The only disappointed person seems to have been Cox, who toldThe Telegraph在接受采访时,他对成为性别象征非常不舒服。


由杰里米·波普(Jeremy Pope)饰演的阿奇·科尔曼(Archie Coleman)和杰克·佩丁(Jake Picking)扮演的洛克·哈德森(Rock Hudson)之间的场景是浪漫,温柔且非常性感的。我们不能说节目中的其他性爱场面,甚至有点尴尬。教皇在一次采访中说,他钦佩角色在讨论性爱对好莱坞的重要性时的无所畏惧。他说:“我们谈论性工作,但这并不是我们看不见的。”


There are many steamy moments on Grey’s Anatomy, but they’re different from typical sex scenes in movies and TV shows in that they show the desperation of the act. The characters do it frantically. There’s a great deal of realism there. Alex and Izzy shared one of the sexiest hookups on the show.


正常人中最好的性爱场面是结束时,当玛丽安(Marianne)和康奈尔(Connell)变得足够近,以至于充满了性爱。演员们对自己的刻画非常现实,并设法证明了在屏幕上和屏幕外进行良好性的关键是进行公开对话并设定明确的界限。扮演玛丽安(Marianne)的黛西·埃德加·琼斯(Daisy Edgar-Jones)在接受《太阳》采访时分享了正常人的性爱协调员,以确保她和保罗·梅斯卡尔(Paul Mescal)(扮演康奈尔(Connell)的演员)谈论了他们的身份,并且不满意。这包括非常详细的事情,例如他们不介意被触摸和限制的身体的哪些部位。


Fitz and Olivia’s hookup is about as TV-friendly, but also as hot and as realistic as a nudity-free scene can be. However, filming it was quite cringeworthy according to Kerry Washington, especially because the room was full of people.

10. The Affair

你可以期待一个展示这样一个标题哈ve lots of steamy scenes. However, we didn’t expect it to be so sexy right from the start. The show, which airs on Showtime, never disappoints viewers. The actors aren’t as lucky. Dominic West has gone on record saying that he was sick of the sex by the time the show moved into its fifth season. He told US Weekly in an interview that the whole cast had gotten really bored with the sex scenes. So much so, in fact, that he would take suggestions from the crew on what position he and his partner should do next. When he did that one time, someone said “reverse cowgirl”, and West claims he still doesn’t know what it is. FYI, it’s where the woman gets on top and rides her partner with her back toward his face.


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