
27.97亿美元的票房可能已经通过重新发行的Avatar,,,,pushing the 2010 sci-fi flick to $2.802 billion perCNBC,,,,but it’s impossible to deny the might of the 2019 concluding chapter of Phase III of the Marvel Cinematic Universe –复仇者:最终游戏. With蜘蛛侠:离家很远是大萨拉姆系列的结语和期待已久的黑寡妇可以说,可以说,自第三阶段结束以来,Studios一直在用超级英雄内容饱和视频娱乐市场。

While there are outliers like the crowd-pleasingSpider-Man: No Way Home,,,,metacritic用户分数确实注意到下降,没有一个在2019年后的Marvel发行中打破了前20名和香奇获得7.0的最高评分。DC Entertainment有点不同,蝙蝠侠(7.5)和Zack Snyder的正义联盟(8.4) landing seventh and third overall, respectively. Superheroes and epic stories coming from comics to the big screen have become a modern form of mythology, but are we getting fed up?

Mythologies from across the ages still matter

一次,我们的“神话”等于今天我们认为是宗教的东西。通过历史镜头,我们几乎忽略了神话对当时人民的重要性,同时持有现代宗教的人们如此崇高的敬意。这种神话外观是我们如何查看超级英雄内容的方式,如The Guardian,,,,but in the modern age, we have the power to create a massive amount of stories and have the mindset to judge and question the creations, while ancient civilisations would accept them as explanations of the world, relaying the mindsets of the time and teaching important lessons.

角色的故事和斗争的永恒本质继续吸引了从世界各地到现代观众的神话。看起来远远超出了雷神(Thor)在漫威宇宙中,您可以看到娱乐中使用的古代神话生物,因为它们的兴趣,重量,并且仍然很受欢迎。在在线插槽中,一个引人注目的主题是对玩家的兴趣。这就是为什么Betway,,,,players will find Mask of Amun, Ark of Ra, Chronicles of Olympus, Amazing Link Zeus, Thunderstruck Wild Lightning, Poseidon Ancient Fortunes, and Masters of Valhalla. Those are just the ones that hold a position among the Top Games on the platform.

In bookstores, you’ll still find newly released books chronicling the folklore, myths, and fables of ancient people, with there clearly being a demand for such information. While the伟大的神话series from Stephen Fry certainly connected to a vast audience, the succinct-yet-detailed series of ancient mythologies fromThames & Hudsonremains one of the best on the subject. Earlier this year, the series was expanded with日本神话by Joshua Frydman, which remains sold out on the publisher’s website. In the realms of video gaming, mythologies continue to be a huge draw, with the highly anticipated release ofGod of War: Ragnarök是这些古老的角色和故事继续吸引的主要例子。



在最近的版本中,我们发现雷神4to get in its own way with the jokes, minimising the potential of its villain, while奇异博士2made the seriesWandavision需要查看。在DC Extended Universe中,更严格的方法导致从匆忙的MCU模型到某些独立的宝石,并带有Rotten Tomatoesfinding 2022’s蝙蝠侠来自评论家和观众成绩的“新鲜认证”。因此,也许奇迹(迄今为止是超级英雄迷恋的最大推进剂)的系列和电影的袭击将与之相反。毕竟,从行进今年12月明显不同于the two-to-three yearly movies that established the MCU as a juggernaut.

人们可以像这样的“超级英雄疲劳”来缪斯女神”星球大战当这些评分和分数开始下降时,疲劳”,但最终,人们想要的是娱乐。如果写作不好,那么观看内容就不会很有趣,从而导致评论得分不佳和最终下降。我们还没有看到号码报告9.55亿美元的票房销售额奇异博士2and $514 million for雷神4,但是这些都是从相当低的得分中大量的钢铁侠3(12亿美元)和Aquaman(11亿美元)。超级英雄类型并未显示出从制作或受欢迎程度的角度放慢脚步的迹象男孩以及第2季的第3季的增长17%最后期限,表明即使是另类超级英雄的东西也很好。

尽管如此,Marvel还是市场的领导者:当Marvel在漫画或电影中表现出色时,其他超级英雄特许经营者也会加以实现。这是与比特币在加密货币中的类似市场总监 - 如果开始下降,其他人将很快跟随。MCU真正需要的是,除了更好的全面写作之外,还有一个将所有这些都融合在一起的顶级反派。当我们在亚搏电子,,,,without villains, heroes don’t have a purpose, and a deep, even conflicted, villain is needed to bring the best out of heroes and their stories. It’s as true in mythologies with Loki’s children (Fenrir, Hel, and Jörmungandr), Set’s betrayal of his brother Osiris, and the Kitsune Tamamo no Mae, as it is in our modern mythology of superheroes – Thanos, Joker, Dr Doom, Lex Luther, Green Goblin, etc.



关于艾略特·霍珀(Elliot Hopper)